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shale, any of a group of fine-grained, laminated sedimentary rocks consisting of silt- and clay-sized particles. Shale is the most abundant of the sedimentary rocks, accounting for roughly 70 percent of this rock type in the crust of the Earth.
Shales are often found with layers of sandstone or limestone. They typically form in environments where muds, silts, and other sediments were deposited by gentle transporting currents and became compacted, as, for example, the deep-ocean floor, basins of shallow seas, river floodplains, and playas. Most shales occur in extensive sheets several metres thick, though some develop in lenticular formations.
Shales characteristically consist of at least 30 percent clay minerals and substantial amounts of quartz. They also contain smaller quantities of carbonates, feldspars, iron oxides, fossils, and organic matter. Some organic-rich shales, called oil shales, contain kerogen (a chemically complex mixture of solid hydrocarbons derived from plant and animal matter) in large enough quantities to yield oil when subjected to intense heat.

Shales typically have a laminated structure and are fissile; i.e., they exhibit a tendency to split into thin layers that are usually parallel to the bedding-plane surface. Such physical properties as permeability and plasticity are largely dependent on the grain sizes of the constituent minerals. Shales’ colour is determined primarily by composition. In general, the higher the organic content of a shale, the darker its colour. The presence of hematite and limonite (hydrated ferric oxide) gives rise to reddish and purple colouring, while mineral components rich in ferrous iron impart blue, green, and black hues. Calcareous shales (those having a large percentage of calcite), on the other hand, are light gray or yellowish.
Shales are commercially important, having many applications in the ceramics industry in particular. They are a valuable raw material for tile, brick, and pottery and constitute a major source of alumina for Portland cement. In addition, advances in recovery methods may one day make oil shale a practical source for liquid petroleum.