shoot system
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- major reference
- In plant development: The shoot system and its derivatives
The gametophytes of mosses and liverworts and the sporophytes of many higher plants have a shoot, or early stem, with a single cell at its tip, or apex, from which all the tissues of the stem arise.…
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- removal in tea harvesting
- In tea plant: Physical description and varieties
In harvesting, or plucking, the shoot removed usually includes the bud and the two youngest leaves.
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- rooting method
- In horticulture: Vegetative structures
…fleshy swollen structures, readily form shoots (called adventitious, because they do not form from nodes). The sweet potato and dahlia are propagated by tuberous roots. Shoots that rise adventitiously from roots are called suckers. The red raspberry is propagated by suckers.
Read More - In horticulture: Grafting
A shoot tip, when excised and cultured, may produce roots at the base. This technique is employed for the purpose of producing plants free of disease. Certain orchids are rapidly multiplied by this method. Cultured shoot tips form an embryo-like stage that can be sectioned indefinitely…
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structure of
- In angiosperm: Structure
…its attached leaves constitute the shoot. Collectively, the roots of an individual plant make up the root system and the shoots the shoot system.
Read More - In plant: Classification of angiosperms
…axis of two parts, the shoot and the root. Shoots have two kinds of organs, the stem and the leaves, while roots have one type of organ, the root itself. Systems of classification are often based upon the longevity of the portions of plant aboveground. Woody plants are trees and…
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- Poaceae
- In Poaceae: Characteristic morphological features
The shoot system consists of the shoot apex and its embryonic leaves, which are covered by the coleoptile. The mesocotyl connects the shoot system to the point of attachment of the scutellum. The primary root, which is replaced by secondary, fibrous roots after germination, is covered…
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- trees
- In tree: General features of the tree body
Shoots can be separated into long shoots and short shoots on the basis of the distance between buds (internode length). The stem provides support, water and food conduction, and storage.
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