stimulus-response behaviour
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- behaviour and associative learning
- In animal behaviour: Instinctive learning
…to associate a novel (conditioned) stimulus with a familiar (unconditioned) one. For example, in his study of classical conditioning, Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov demonstrated that by consistently exposing a dog to a particular sound (novel stimulus) and simultaneously placing meat powder (familiar stimulus) in its mouth the dog could…
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- insects
- In insect: Instincts
…itself by responding to the stimuli it receives. Formerly, insect behaviour was described as a series of movements in response to stimuli. That hypothesis has been supplanted by one that holds that the insect has a central nervous system with built-in patterns of behaviour or instincts that can be triggered…
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- instinct
- In instinct: Lorenz: genetically determined behaviour
…triggered by a specific external stimulus (“sign stimulus” or “releaser”)—this stimulus, and hence the performance of the action pattern, being the goal and terminus of variable sequences of “appetitive behaviour.” In one description, Lorenz even included the idea that an animal experiences a craving for the opportunity to perform the…
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- avoidance
- In avoidance behaviour: Pain, startle, and novelty
…mammals (including man) many such responses are patently inborn, as is the reflex withdrawal of one’s finger from a hot griddle.
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- psychomotor learning
- In psychomotor learning: Refractory period and anticipation
…quick, discrete responses to two stimuli separated in time by one-half second or less, an operator’s reaction time (latency) for executing the second response is typically longer than that of his first response. This difference in reaction time is called the psychological refractory period.
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- In psychomotor learning: Refractory period and anticipation
- sequential activity
- In time perception: Adaptation to successive events
One may respond to stimulation in an immediate way (as in unconditioned reflex action) without taking the element of time into account. Stimulation, however, can also signal an event to follow; then it has meaning only as part of the sequence of which it is the first term: bell…
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- In time perception: Adaptation to successive events
- thought processes
- In thought
These events are inputs (stimuli, present and past) and outputs (responses, including bodily movements and speech). For many psychologists such intervening variables serve as aids in making sense of the immensely complicated network of associations between stimulus conditions and responses, the analysis of which otherwise would be prohibitively cumbersome.…
Read More - In thought: Motivational aspects of thinking
…of secondary reward value and stimulus generalization—i.e., the tendency of a stimulus pattern to become a source of satisfaction if it resembles or has frequently accompanied some form of biological gratification. The insufficiency of this kind of explanation becomes apparent, however, when the importance of novelty, surprise, complexity, incongruity, ambiguity,…
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- transfer of training
- In transfer of training: Kinds of transfer
…is conditioned to salivate in response to a sound wave of 1,000 cycles per second, it will also salivate if it is next exposed to a tone of 900 cycles per second, although typically the volume of saliva will be slightly reduced. In this case, transfer of training occurs between…
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- In transfer of training: Kinds of transfer