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The vast majority of the known superconductors have transition temperatures that lie between 1 K and 10 K. Of the chemical elements, tungsten has the lowest transition temperature, 0.015 K, and niobium the highest, 9.2 K. The transition temperature is usually very sensitive to the presence of magnetic impurities. A few parts per million of manganese in zinc, for example, lowers the transition temperature considerably.
Specific heat and thermal conductivity
The thermal properties of a superconductor can be compared with those of the same material at the same temperature in the normal state. (The material can be forced into the normal state at low temperature by a large enough magnetic field.)
When a small amount of heat is put into a system, some of the energy is used to increase the lattice vibrations (an amount that is the same for a system in the normal and in the superconducting state), and the remainder is used to increase the energy of the conduction electrons. The electronic specific heat (Ce) of the electrons is defined as the ratio of that portion of the heat used by the electrons to the rise in temperature of the system. The specific heat of the electrons in a superconductor varies with the absolute temperature (T ) in the normal and in the superconducting state (as shown in ). The electronic specific heat in the superconducting state (designated Ces) is smaller than in the normal state (designated Cen) at low enough temperatures, but Ces becomes larger than Cen as the transition temperature Tc is approached, at which point it drops abruptly to Cen for the classic superconductors, although the curve has a cusp shape near Tc for the high-Tc superconductors. Precise measurements have indicated that, at temperatures considerably below the transition temperature, the logarithm of the electronic specific heat is inversely proportional to the temperature. This temperature dependence, together with the principles of statistical mechanics, strongly suggests that there is a gap in the distribution of energy levels available to the electrons in a superconductor, so that a minimum energy is required for the excitation of each electron from a state below the gap to a state above the gap. Some of the high-Tc superconductors provide an additional contribution to the specific heat, which is proportional to the temperature. This behaviour indicates that there are electronic states lying at low energy; additional evidence of such states is obtained from optical properties and tunneling measurements.
The heat flow per unit area of a sample equals the product of the thermal conductivity (K) and the temperature gradient △T: JQ = -K △T, the minus sign indicating that heat always flows from a warmer to a colder region of a substance.
The thermal conductivity in the normal state (Kn) approaches the thermal conductivity in the superconducting state (Ks) as the temperature (T ) approaches the transition temperature (Tc) for all materials, whether they are pure or impure. This suggests that the energy gap (Δ) for each electron approaches zero as the temperature (T ) approaches the transition temperature (Tc). This would also account for the fact that the electronic specific heat in the superconducting state (Ces) is higher than in the normal state (Cen) near the transition temperature: as the temperature is raised toward the transition temperature (Tc), the energy gap in the superconducting state decreases, the number of thermally excited electrons increases, and this requires the absorption of heat.
Energy gaps
As stated above, the thermal properties of superconductors indicate that there is a gap in the distribution of energy levels available to the electrons, and so a finite amount of energy, designated as delta (Δ), must be supplied to an electron to excite it. This energy is maximum (designated Δ0) at absolute zero and changes little with increase of temperature until the transition temperature is approached, where Δ decreases to zero, its value in the normal state. The BCS theory predicts an energy gap with just this type of temperature dependence.
According to the BCS theory, there is a type of electron pairing (electrons of opposite spin acting in unison) in the superconductor that is important in interpreting many superconducting phenomena. The electron pairs, called Cooper pairs, are broken up as the superconductor is heated. Each time a pair is broken, an amount of energy that is at least as much as the energy gap (Δ) must be supplied to each of the two electrons in the pair, so an energy at least twice as great (2Δ) must be supplied to the superconductor. The value of twice the energy gap at 0 K (which is 2Δ0) might be assumed to be higher when the transition temperature of the superconductor is higher. In fact, the BCS theory predicts a relation of this type—namely, that the energy supplied to the superconductor at absolute zero would be 2Δ0 = 3.53 kTc, where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 × 10−23 joule per kelvin). In the high-Tc cuprate compounds, values of 2Δ0 range from approximately three to eight multiplied by kTc.
The energy gap (Δ) can be measured most precisely in a tunneling experiment (a process in quantum mechanics that allows an electron to escape from a metal without acquiring the energy required along the way according to the laws of classical physics). In this experiment, a thin insulating junction is prepared between a superconductor and another metal, assumed here to be in the normal state. In this situation, electrons can quantum mechanically tunnel from the normal metal to the superconductor if they have sufficient energy. This energy can be supplied by applying a negative voltage (V) to the normal metal, with respect to the voltage of the superconductor.
Tunneling will occur if eV—the product of the electron charge, e (−1.60 × 10−19 coulomb), and the voltage—is at least as large as the energy gap Δ. The current flowing between the two sides of the junction is small up to a voltage equal to V = Δ/e, but then it rises sharply. This provides an experimental determination of the energy gap (Δ). In describing this experiment it is assumed here that the tunneling electrons must get their energy from the applied voltage rather than from thermal excitation.