Thermodynamic properties and relations
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- laws of thermodynamics
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- system
- On the Web:
- Simon Fraser University - Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics (PDF) (Feb. 13, 2025)
In order to carry through a program of finding the changes in the various thermodynamic functions that accompany reactions—such as entropy, enthalpy, and free energy—it is often useful to know these quantities separately for each of the materials entering into the reaction. For example, if the entropies are known separately for the reactants and products, then the entropy change for the reaction is just the difference ΔSreaction = Sproducts − Sreactants and similarly for the other thermodynamic functions. Furthermore, if the entropy change for a reaction is known under one set of conditions of temperature and pressure, it can be found under other sets of conditions by including the variation of entropy for the reactants and products with temperature or pressure as part of the overall process. For these reasons, scientists and engineers have developed extensive tables of thermodynamic properties for many common substances, together with their rates of change with state variables such as temperature and pressure.
The science of thermodynamics provides a rich variety of formulas and techniques that allow the maximum possible amount of information to be extracted from a limited number of laboratory measurements of the properties of materials. However, as the thermodynamic state of a system depends on several variables—such as temperature, pressure, and volume—in practice it is necessary first to decide how many of these are independent and then to specify what variables are allowed to change while others are held constant. For this reason, the mathematical language of partial differential equations is indispensable to the further elucidation of the subject of thermodynamics.
Of especially critical importance in the application of thermodynamics are the amounts of work required to make substances expand or contract and the amounts of heat required to change the temperature of substances. The first is determined by the equation of state of the substance and the second by its heat capacity. Once these physical properties have been fully characterized, they can be used to calculate other thermodynamic properties, such as the free energy of the substance under various conditions of temperature and pressure.
In what follows, it will often be necessary to consider infinitesimal changes in the parameters specifying the state of a system. The first law of thermodynamics then assumes the differential form dU = d′Q − d′W. Because U is a state function, the infinitesimal quantity dU must be an exact differential, which means that its definite integral depends only on the initial and final states of the system. In contrast, the quantities d′Q and d′W are not exact differentials, because their integrals can be evaluated only if the path connecting the initial and final states is specified. The examples to follow will illustrate these rather abstract concepts.
Work of expansion and contraction
The first task in carrying out the above program is to calculate the amount of work done by a single pure substance when it expands at constant temperature. Unlike the case of a chemical reaction, where the volume can change at constant temperature and pressure because of the liberation of gas, the volume of a single pure substance placed in a cylinder cannot change unless either the pressure or the temperature changes. To calculate the work, suppose that a piston moves by an infinitesimal amount dx. Because pressure is force per unit area, the total restraining force exerted by the piston on the gas is PA, where A is the cross-sectional area of the piston. Thus, the incremental amount of work done is d′W = PA dx.
However, A dx can also be identified as the incremental change in the volume (dV) swept out by the head of the piston as it moves. The result is the basic equation d′W = P dV for the incremental work done by a gas when it expands. For a finite change from an initial volume Vi to a final volume Vf, the total work done is given by the integral (22)
Because P in general changes as the volume V changes, this integral cannot be calculated until P is specified as a function of V; in other words, the path for the process must be specified. This gives precise meaning to the concept that dW is not an exact differential.