toxicology test
- Related Topics:
- poison
- diagnosis
- toxicology
toxicology test, any of a group of laboratory analyses that are used to determine the presence of poisons and other potentially toxic agents in blood, urine, or other bodily substances. Toxicology is the study of poisons—their action, their detection, and the treatment of conditions they produce. Many substances are toxic only at high concentrations. For example, lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder but can be toxic at high levels. Another example is acetaminophen, which is valuable in controlling fever and discomfort but is toxic in large doses. A single toxicology screen may test for as many as 30 agents at one time.
The concentration of an element in the blood is the usual measure of toxicity. The therapeutic blood range is the concentration of the drug that provides therapeutic benefit, whereas the toxic blood range is the concentration at which toxic manifestations are likely. Some substances such as insecticides are toxic to one individual and not to another. Many environmental substances as well as some encountered in the workplace are toxic in high doses; these include organic solvents, heavy metals, mineral dusts, dyes, and cigarette smoke. Acceptable exposure levels are controlled by government standards.
The nervous system is most sensitive to toxicological damage. Common toxins that cause damage to peripheral nerves are the six-carbon solvents, such as n-hexane, found in glues or solvents and organophosphorus compounds. Carbon disulfide, used in the production of rayon fibres and cellophane, is a potent neurotoxin. Because no specific treatment is available for most of these toxic manifestations, preventing overexposure is important.