tropical rainforest: Media
Why are rainforests so important?
Rainforests are where the ancestors of humans first evolved—and where our closest...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Behold the multitude of Amazonian arthropods including spiders, scorpions, beetles, and mantids
Among the arthropods of the Amazon Rainforest are spiders (including orb weavers...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Take a stroll through the scenic tropical rainforest of Tamborine National Park and the beautiful Curtis Falls in Queensland, Australia
A walk through a tropical rainforest in Tamborine National Park, Queensland, Australia,...
Video: © Fun Travel TV (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Ecuador: rainforest
Rainforest vegetation grows along the northern coast of Ecuador.
© Victor Englebert
Earth's floral regions
Floral kingdoms, subkingdoms, and major regions of the world.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
tropical forests and deforestation
Tropical forests and deforestation in the early 21st century.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Amazon deforestation: slash-and-burn
Slash-and-burn forest clearing in the Amazon.
© Stockbyte/Getty Images
Logging in Borneo
Trucks on a road transporting recently harvested logs near Sabah's border with Kalimantan...
Ferralsol soil profile
Ferralsol soil profile from Brazil, showing a deep red subsurface horizon resulting...
harlequin frog (Atelopus)
Strikingly colored harlequin frog (Atelopus species) in Ecuador.
Pete Oxford/Nature Picture Library
Indonesian faunal boundaries
A map of faunal boundaries in the Indonesian archipelago.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
An earthstar (Geastrum) fungus, growing on moist soil among mosses.
© Jay Ondreicka/
A tangle of woody lianas in a tropical rainforest. The vascular tissues of lianas...
© Gary Braasch
Epiphytic bromeliads
A tree supporting numerous epiphytic bromeliads (Vriesea species).
Luiz Claudio Marigo/Bruce Coleman Ltd.
Queensland, Australia: tropical rainforest
Tropical rainforest vegetation, Queensland, Australia.
© Goodshoot/Jupiterimages
Malaysia: rainforest
Palm trees in a tropical rainforest landscape, Malaysia.
© Stéphane Bidouze/
terrestrial biomes of the world
Worldwide distribution of major terrestrial biomes.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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