turf toe
- Also called:
- big toe sprain
- Related Topics:
- sprain
- toe
- metatarsophalangeal joint
turf toe, sprain involving the big toe (hallux) metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the foot. The term turf toe was coined in 1976 after it was found that the frequency of injuries to the MTP joint of the big toe was increased in gridiron football players who wore relatively flexible soccer-style shoes when playing on artificial (AstroTurf) surfaces. The injury is fairly common, particularly among gridiron football players who play on artificial grass, but it also occurs in individuals who participate in other sports or activities, including wrestling, basketball, and dance. Because the MTP joint of the big toe plays a key role in running, sprinting, and cutting (sudden change of direction), an injury can result in significant functional disability. It is thought to be underreported and not always appreciated as the significant injury that it may be or can become if it is not managed appropriately.
Anatomy of the big toe MTP
The anatomy of the forefoot is intricate and quite complicated. The MTP joint of the big toe involves a metatarsal (long bone) with a rounded, cartilage-covered surface at the end, which joins with the concave base of the phalanx (toe bone). Stability of the MTP joint in the big toe comes from the collateral and metatarsosesamoid ligaments, which are located on the medial (inside) and lateral (outside) sides of the big toe, as well as from the plantar plate of the big toe (a thick fibrocartilage structure at the base of the MTP joint). There are also several different muscle tendons that run along either side and underneath the joint, attaching onto the phalanx. These structures together make up the intricate capsuloligamentous complex (joint capsule, plantar plate, and adjoining ligaments) of the first MTP joint.
Motion in the MTP joint of the big toe consists primarily of plantar flexion (downward flex) and dorsiflexion (upward flex). Passive range of motion varies widely from 3°–43° of plantar flexion and from 40°–100° of dorsiflexion.

Causes of turf toe
The two primary causes of turf toe are the advent of artificial playing surfaces and the introduction of flexible-soled turf shoes. Artificial playing surfaces were introduced in the 1960s, and with that came a dramatic increase in the number of turf toe injuries. The injuries were associated with increased friction caused by the artificial surface and shoe interface. Shoes designed for play on a traditional grass surface possessed a metal plate in the sole. But after playing on an artificial surface with shoes designed for grass surfaces, players complained of traction problems. In response, a more-flexible turf shoe was introduced. Free from the stability provided by the metal plate, the turf shoe exposed the MTP joints and the forefoot to greater physical stress.
Injury mechanism
The most common mechanism of injury in turf toe is hyperextension (extension beyond the normal range of motion) of the big toe. This often occurs with tackling in American football, where the forefoot is fixed on the playing surface with the heel raised in a dorsiflexed position. A force from the tackler is thus directed down the lower leg into the foot, causing an exaggerated dorsiflexion and subsequent hyperextension of the big toe. Hyperextension can lead to varying degrees of injury to the plantar plate, joint capsule, and collateral ligaments or cartilage surface of the bone.
Although most turf toe injuries occur with hyperextension, other mechanisms have been described as well. Hyperflexion, or “sand toe” (so-called because of its increased prevalence among beach volleyball players), is sometimes considered a variation of turf toe, although it often has a different clinical course.
Varus (bending inside) and valgus (bending outside) are two other described mechanisms. Valgus is most commonly seen in a football lineman who is pushing off from a stance. Varus is rarely seen but can occur when an outward force is applied to a fixed forefoot.
Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis of turf toe is made by first eliciting how the injury occurred and, if available, watching a video replay of the incident. Patients may present with a single acute episode or multiple episodes of trauma. The MTP joint typically exhibits tenderness, swelling, and pain with movement. At this point, if a turf toe diagnosis is suspected, X-rays with several different views are used to assess injuries to the structures associated with the MTP joint. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can be ordered if there are abnormalities on the X-ray. MRI is used to assess soft tissue and cartilage damage and to evaluate bony abnormalities.
Most injuries are graded on a scale of I to III, with III being the most severe. Grade I is a stretch injury to the capsuloligamentous complex, generally with minimal symptoms, such as light swelling. Grade II is a partial tear to the capsuloligamentous complex, accompanied by pain on weight bearing, by bruising, and by restricted range of motion. Grade III is a complete tear of the capsuloligamentous complex. In this type of injury, the plantar plate is separated from the metatarsal, and the phalanx strikes the adjacent part of the metatarsal (the metatarsal head). Sometimes the injury results in the movement of the sesamoid bones (small bones located beneath the MTP joint). There is severe pain, swelling, bruising, and motion restriction, along with inability to bear weight.
The initial treatment of an acute turf toe injury generally includes the RICE protocol: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Athletes with Grade I injuries often can return to play immediately, although toe taping and the use of a stiff insole may be necessary or desired for protection. Grade II injuries often require up to two weeks of rest. Patients with Grade III injuries may need to keep weight off the affected foot for several days and have prolonged rest, usually for two to six weeks. The athlete slowly progresses from walking to running to cutting and, finally, to sport-specific activities. Pain-free range of motion of 50°–60° of upward flexion has also been proposed as a criterion for returning to play. Operative treatment is reserved for the most severe turf toe injuries, including large capsular avulsions (bone fractures at the site of ligament attachment) with an unstable joint and an abnormal separation of a bipartite sesamoid (a sesamoid bone that exists in a natural state of fracture). Operative treatment also may be used after conservative therapy has failed.
Jeffrie C. Kindred