unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction
Also known as: unimolecular substitution reaction
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major reference
- In reaction mechanism: Unimolecular
Unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reactions proceed by a two-stage mechanism in which heterolysis precedes reaction with the nucleophile. The following equation is a typical example:in which the symbols are the same as in earlier equations, with the addition of delta plus (δ+) and delta minus…
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alkyl halides
- In organohalogen compound: Nucleophilic substitution
…the mechanism is described as unimolecular, and the term SN1 (substitution-nucleophilic-unimolecular) is applied. The species formed in the slow step contains a positively charged, electron-deficient carbon and is called a carbocation. Carbocations are unstable and react rapidly with substances such as nucleophiles that have unshared electrons available for bond formation.
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