Origin and evolution
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River valleys figure prominently in the evolutionary sequence of landscape development conceived by W.M. Davis (see continental landform: Davis’ erosion cycle theory and related concepts). Unfortunately Davis’ marvelous deductive scheme of progressive landscape change with time was somewhat abused by those who employed it merely for description and classification. By the mid-20th century, the focus of geomorphological research shifted from evolutionary sequences to studies of processes. Today, new procedures for radiometric dating have rekindled interest in long-term landscape evolution.
Valley development with time can be conceived of as a functional relationship, as follows:where v is the valley morphology, c is the climate, r is relief factors including slope, l is lithology and rock structure, p is the type of process operating (surface runoff or spring sapping), and t is time.
Valley morphology can be described in numerous ways. A useful measure is drainage density Dd, which relates the length of valleys (or streams) L to the area A in which they occur:
In many applications, A is defined as the drainage area in which a network of valleys is developed. There is a close relationship of drainage density to hillslope angles and local relief. For a given relief, higher drainage density results in short, steep valley-side slopes. For the same relief, a lower drainage density results in long, gentle slopes.
Runoff processes
When rain falls on a land surface, part of it may infiltrate, depending on the rate of rainfall and the permeability of the substrate. The amount of rainfall that exceeds the infiltration capacity collects in pools and eventually flows over the land surface. This process of overland flow is quite inefficient because a large surface area greatly resists water movement. Depending on the substrate resistance and power of the flow, the tendency is to incise to form a channel. This transition from overland flow to channel flow is the first step toward a response to rainfall input. Eventually the dissection by channels leads to the differentiation of hills from valleys.
Not all the rainfall is transformed to overland flow and infiltration to groundwater. A portion is lost to evaporation and to transpiration by plants. What eventually flows off the landscape from surface and subsurface sources is the runoff R given bywhere P is the precipitation and ET is the combination of evaporation and transpiration; S is a storage term for water held in plants, soils, and subsurface rocks. The overland flow component of runoff appears very quickly after storms, while the subsurface flow components appear much more slowly. In channels, all forms of runoff generate increased stream power because of increased discharge. This allows streams to incise, thereby deepening valleys, which may widen through hillslope processes.
Sapping is a process of hillslope or scarp recession by the undermining of an overlying resistant material in the form of weathering or water flow occurring in an underlying less-resistant material. A variation of this process, spring sapping, occurs where groundwater outflow undermines slopes and, where appropriately concentrated, contributes to the development of valleys. The action of groundwater in sapping may be concentrated at valley heads, leading to headward growth. Both enhanced weathering and direct erosion by the concentrated fluid flow lead to slope undermining and collapse at sites of groundwater outflow.
A conceptual model of valley development by sapping can be envisioned with the initial condition of a water table having a regional slope toward a hydraulic sink provided by a depressed region. Water emerging along a spring line would then foster chemical weathering and thereby increase the porosity of the seepage zone, reducing the local rock tensile strength and rendering the weathering zone more susceptible to erosional undercutting of adjacent slopes. Local zones of heterogeneity in the rock will result in some zones achieving the critical conditions necessary for such undermining before other zones achieve them. Joints, faults, and folds serve this function. These critical zones then experience enhanced undermining. Once initiated, this process becomes self-enhancing because the lines of groundwater flow converge on the spring head. The increased flow accelerates chemical weathering, which leads to further piping at the same site.
The farther a spring head retreats, the greater the flow convergence that it generates, thereby increasing the rate of headward erosion. Headward sapping proceeds faster than valley widening because the valley head is the site of greatest flow convergence. Headward growth, however, may intersect other zones that are highly susceptible to sapping. A particularly favourable zone will result in a tributary that also experiences headward growth and that may generate tributaries of its own. Thus, sapping that occurs in a zone of jointing or faulting will develop a pattern aligned with those structures. It will, however, be organized by the hydraulic controls on the groundwater flow.
This process of sapping, headward retreat, and branching eventually forms a network of valleys. The developing network works to counteract the self-enhancing effect of flow concentration mentioned above. As spring heads migrate to the neighbourhood of one another, their demands for the available groundwater compete with each other. Eventually an equilibrium is achieved at some optimum drainage density.
Excellent examples of valleys formed by sapping are found in the massive sandstone terrains of the Colorado Plateau. Groundwater seepage from the sandstone contributes to local disintegration of the bedrock at the bases of cliffs, thereby undermining slopes and leading to backwearing. Because of structural concentration of water flow along joints and faults, valleys grow headward along zones of structural weakness. Canyons formed by sapping have prominent structural control vertical to overhanging walls, flat floors, elongate shape, low drainage density (leaving undissected uplands), relatively short tributaries to main trunk valleys, irregular variation in valley width as a function of valley length, and theatre-like valley heads. Many of the sapping valleys of the Colorado Plateau are probably relict features, since lowered water tables and/or desiccating climatic conditions have in all likelihood resulted in reduced groundwater flow to the valley floors today. During wetter climatic episodes of the Quaternary (from about 2.6 million years ago to the present), which probably coincided with periods of mountain glaciation, spring sapping activity would have been more pronounced. Under modern climatic conditions, the results of past spring-sapping processes are obscured by the modifying action of non-sapping morphogenetic processes.