Role of climatic change
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Because the Earth’s climate has changed profoundly during the Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary (roughly the past 65.5 million years), many landscapes are palimpsests—i.e., they are composed of relict elements produced under the influence of past climates and modern elements produced in the present climatic regime. The study of such landscape changes is sometimes called climato-genetic geomorphology. Some researchers in the field, notably Büdel, have maintained that little of the extant relief in humid temperate regions of the Earth results from modern relief-forming processes. Rather, they believe, much of the familiar humid temperate landscape is inherited from past climatic conditions, including periglacial, arid, and tropical.
Büdel focused attention on differences in the nature of valley formation as a function of climate through the history of a landscape. He argued that very rapid valley formation accompanied periods of periglacial activity in central Europe. Modern rivers in the region seem less effective at valley incision. Most of them flow on fills within great bedrock valleys, indicating that aggradation rather than downcutting is occurring today. Prior to the Quaternary phase of valley cutting, central Europe in the early Cenozoic seems to have experienced a prolonged period of planation, resulting in low-relief plains. Büdel proposed that the remnants of these Cenozoic plains, now preserved as broad planar uplands, are inherited from a time of tropical planation. Remnants of a former tropical regolith on the uplands provide some evidence for this hypothesis.
The southwestern desert of Egypt is one of the most arid places on Earth. The region lacks surficial traces of active fluvial processes and is dominated by eolian activity. In this region, a research team headed by John F. McCauley of the U.S. Geological Survey discovered in 1982 that the local drift sand had buried an array of valleys and other relict fluvial features. The discovery was made possible by the imaging radar system of the U.S. Space Shuttle, which penetrated several metres of the extremely dry sand to reveal the previously unknown valleys. The relict valleys were probably part of Neogene river systems that drained the eastern Sahara during relatively wet climatic conditions prior to the onset of hyperaridity in the Quaternary.
A very important American paleovalley involves the complex history of the Ohio River. Prior to the glacial phases of the Quaternary, the preglacial predecessor of the Ohio drained northwestward from the Appalachians across the Midwest, but far north of its present course. Numerous water wells in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are located along this paleovalley, which is called the Teays River System. The advances of Quaternary ice over the course of the Teays River eventually caused the drainage to shift from the Teays route to one roughly paralleling the glacial boundary. The modern Ohio River is the product of this heritage.
Misfit streams
Another manifestation of the impact of climatic change is the misfit stream. Such streams are those for which some practical measure of size, most often the meander wavelength, indicates that the modern river is either too large or too small for the valley in which it flows. The former condition, known as an overfit stream, is relatively rare. An example, described below, occurs where cataclysmic glacial floods invaded valley systems formed by overland flow processes in a non-glacial climatic regime. The more common case is the underfit stream, in which valley morphology indicates a larger ancient stream (see ).
The English-born geomorphologist George H. Dury developed a theory for the widespread phenomenon of stream underfitness. He believed that, when the larger valley forms developed, climatic change was required to reduce the channel-forming discharges from past highs to the modern shrunken channel dimensions. Dury argued that the last phase of stream shrinkage occurred at the end of the last glaciation when the global climate changed from cool and moist to warm and dry. He quantified his theory, utilizing the relationship between the wavelength of modern meandering rivers (λ) and their bank-full discharge (qb),where the units of λ and qb are metres and cubic metres per second, respectively.
Using equation (9), Dury found that since valley meanders were 5 to 10 times larger than modern river meanders, the ancient bank-full discharges must have been 25 to 100 times larger than the modern values. Such large modifications implied a phenomenal climatic change that was not accepted by the general scientific community. Numerous other factors besides climatic change play a role in the development of underfitness. These include changes in the type and amount of sediment transported by streams, the role of different rock types in shaping valley dimensions, and the role of large, rare floods (as opposed to bank-full discharge) in defining channel dimensions. The problem of underfitness remains a challenge awaiting complete geomorphological explanation.
Probably the most remarkable example of a misfitness is the channeling of the basaltic plain of eastern Washington in the northwestern United States by cataclysmic glacial floods. The great floods emanated from glacial Lake Missoula, which was impounded between about 17,000 and 12,000 years ago by a lobe of the Cordilleran ice sheet that extended into northern Idaho. Failure of this ice dam released a lake volume of about 2,500 cubic kilometres at discharges of up to 2 × 107 cubic metres per second. These immense flows completely overwhelmed the preglacial stream valleys of the Columbia Plain in eastern Washington. As the floods eroded loess and bedrock from former valley divides, a great plexus of scoured channel ways known collectively as the Channeled Scabland was formed. Because preglacial valleys were filled to overspilling, this process is really an example of stream overfitness. Numerous diagnostic landforms, including great cataracts, characterize the Channeled Scabland.
The above relationships were first described in the 1920s by the American geologist J. Harlen Bretz, who contended that the Channeled Scabland could only be explained by the action of cataclysmic flooding. He encountered vehement opposition to this hypothesis but was eventually able to convince most of his critics of its validity by carefully documenting the overwhelming evidence for flood-produced landforms. Of considerable importance was the discovery of giant current ripples composed predominantly of gravel. More than five metres (16 feet) high and spaced 100 metres (328 feet) apart, these current ripples occurred on large bars of gravel and boulders.
The channels of Mars
The landforms produced by large-scale fluid flow in the Channeled Scabland are remarkably similar to those in the channeled terrains of Mars. In contrast to the Martian valley networks (see above), the channels of the planet display evidence of large-scale fluid flows on their floors. Most Martian channels show that the erosive fluid emanated from zones of complex terrain. Apparently the fluid was derived from subsurface reservoirs, and the overlying materials collapsed as fluid was released. The channels, unlike the valley networks, probably formed over a considerable span of Martian history. The fluid for carving the channels was most likely water, perhaps with substantial amounts of entrained ice and sediment. Ground ice in Martian permafrost may have provided a source for the immense ancient floods.
Victor R. Baker