Valley cross profiles
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The cross profiles of valleys involve a combination of fluvial and hillslope processes. Although slopes and rivers are often studied separately by process geomorphologists, hills and valleys are the features that dominate landscapes. In upland areas cross profiles of valleys are often narrow and deep. Canyon morphologies are most common. Further downstream, valley floors are wider and often dominated by floodplains and terraces.
Types of valleys
One of the few classifications of valleys is that used by the German climatic geomorphologists Herbert Louis and Julius Büdel. In areas of rapid uplift and intense fluvial action such as tropical mountains, Kerbtal (German for “notched valley”) forms occur. These are characterized by steep, knife-edge ridges and valley slopes meeting in a V-shape. Where slopes are steep but a broad valley floor occurs, Sohlenkerbtal (meaning precisely a valley with such characteristics) is the prevailing form. Valleys of this kind develop under the influence of groundwater flow in Hawaii (see below Processes). Gutter-shaped valleys with convex sides and broad floors are called Kehltal; and broad, flat valleys of planation surfaces are termed Fachmuldental.
It is important to remember that the form of valleys reflects not only modern processes but also ancient ones. The entire valley or some landforms within it may be relict, with features inherited from past geologic periods during which occurred tectonic and climatic processes of intensities quite different from those prevailing today.
Hillslopes constitute the flanks of valleys and the margins of eroding uplands. They are the major zones where rock and soil are loosened by weathering processes and then transported down gradient, often to a river channel.
Two major varieties of hillslopes occur in nature (see weathering-limited slopes, transport processes are so efficient that debris is removed more quickly than it can be generated by further weathering. Such hillslopes develop a faceted or angular morphology in which an upper free face, or cliff, contributes debris to a lower slope of accumulation. Slopes of this sort are especially common on bare rock where the profile of the slope is determined by the resistance of the rock, not by the erosional processes acting on it. One consequence of this is that many rock slopes retreat parallel to themselves in order to preserve the characteristic slope angle for a rock type of given strength. If the features of the rock change with depth into the slope, however, the characteristic angle of the slope will change. Rock slopes develop where weathering and soil erosion are slow (as in arid regions) and where rock resistance is high.
). OnThe second major variety of slope is transport limited. Transport-limited slopes occur where weathering processes are efficient at producing debris but where transport processes are inefficient at removing it from the slope. Such slopes lack free faces and faceted appearances, and they are generally covered with a soil mantle. The profile of this type of slope generally has a sigmoid appearance, with convex, straight, and concave segments. The shape of the slope is an expression of the process acting upon it.
Convex slope segments commonly occur in the upper parts of soil-mantled slopes, as near the drainage divide. The noted American geomorphologist G.K. Gilbert elucidated the principles applying to convex slopes in his study of piles of mining-waste debris in California. The processes of soil creep and raindrop splash erode soil on the upper parts of slopes. Since soil eroded from the upper slope must pass each point below it, the volume of soil moved increases with distance from the divide. Since the transport rate for creep and rain splash is proportional to the slope angle, the slope angle must also increase from the divide, resulting in the slope convexity.
Straight slope segments are dominated by mass movement processes. Talus slopes are a type in which debris piles up to a characteristic angle of repose. When new debris is added to the slope, thereby locally increasing the angle, the slope adjusts by movement of the debris to reestablish the angle. Again, the result is a dynamic equilibrium in which the landform adjusts to processes acting upon it.
Concave slopes are especially common where overland-flow runoff transports sediment derived from upper slopes. Because the collection area for wash increases downslope and discharge Q is proportional to collection area, stream power—equation (5)—can be maintained at lower slope angles. In addition, the size of particles being transported decreases downslope because of weathering and abrasion. Because the finer particles are easier to transport, slope angles can be reduced in the downslope direction. The result is a concave shape to the slope profile.