varve analysis

Also known as: varve chronology

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use in

    • archaeological dating
      • Pachacamac, Peru
        In archaeology: Dating

        Clay-varve counting seemed to provide the first answer to this need for a nonhuman absolute chronology. Called geochronology by Baron Gerard De Geer, its Swedish inventor, this method was based on counting the thin layers of clay left behind by the melting glaciers when the…

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    • nonradiometric dating
      • Grand Canyon rock layering
        In geochronology: Accumulational processes

        …they are said to be varved; one year’s worth of sediment is called a varve, and, in general, it includes two laminae per year.

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      • geologic time
        In Holocene Epoch: Chronology and correlation

        In certain areas a varve chronology can be established. This involves counting and measuring thicknesses in annual paired layers of lake sediments deposited in lakes that undergo an annual freeze-up. Because each year’s sediment accumulation varies in thickness according to the climatic conditions of the melt season, any long…

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