In chemical compounds, zinc exhibits almost exclusively a +2 oxidation state. A few compounds of zinc in the +1 state have been reported, but never any compounds of zinc in the +3 state or higher.
Zinc oxide, ZnO, is one of the most important zinc compounds. It can be prepared in a state of high purity and in a variety of crystal shapes and sizes by burning zinc vapour in air. Because of its high heat conductivity and capacity, zinc oxide is frequently incorporated into rubber as a heat dissipater. In the crystal of zinc oxide, the lattice (i.e., the orderly structure formed by the ions) is an open one in which the zinc and oxygen ions occupy only 44 percent of the volume. Defects can be created in the lattice by specific treatments such as the introduction of foreign atoms or of zinc atoms in the vacancies of the lattice. Such treatment of zinc oxide crystals produces various electrical, photoelectrical, and catalytic properties. As a result, zinc oxide is used as a semiconductor in the production of phosphors for television tubes and fluorescent lamps. Its effects on the reactivity of many compounds make it useful as a catalyst in such operations as the manufacture of synthetic rubber and methanol. It is also used in paints, cosmetics, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and printing inks. Because under the influence of light the electrical conductivity of zinc oxide can be increased many times, it is employed in certain photocopying processes.
Zinc sulfate, ZnSO4, is an intermediate compound in the production of zinc from its ores by the electrolytic process. It is used as a weed killer, in the manufacture of viscose rayon, and in dyeing, in which it functions as a mordant. Zinc chloride, ZnCl2, can be prepared by a direct reaction or by evaporating the aqueous solution formed in various reactions. It is strongly deliquescent (water-absorbing) and is utilized as a drying agent and as a flux. In aqueous solution it is used as a wood preservative. Zinc sulfide, ZnS, occurs in nature as the mineral sphalerite and may be prepared by treating solutions of zinc salts with hydrogen sulfide. It was long used as a white pigment but has been gradually replaced by titanium dioxide. Zinc sulfide has luminescent properties when activated by the addition of small quantities of copper, manganese, silver, or arsenic and so has been used in X-ray screens, in luminous dials for clocks and watches, and in fluorescent lights.