All-America team
- Key People:
- Walter Camp
- Grantland Rice
- Related Topics:
- sports
- Notable Honorees:
- O.J. Simpson
- Jim Thorpe
- Lawrence Taylor
- Steve Young
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All-America team, honorific title given to outstanding U.S. athletes in a specific sport in a given year competing at the collegiate and secondary school levels. Originally the term referred to a select group of college gridiron football players. Athletes selected to an All-America team are known as All-Americans.
The first All-America team comprised football players, picked by Caspar Whitney and Walter Camp in 1889 for a magazine called The Week’s Sport. Whitney and Camp continued to collaborate in selecting All-America teams, working for The Week’s Sport again in 1890 and then for Harper’s Weekly from 1891 through 1897. Camp made his own selections for Collier’s magazine from 1898 through 1924. Camp’s reputation as football player, coach, and rules maker made his selections generally accepted. When Camp died in 1925, Collier’s engaged Grantland Rice, the era’s most prominent sportswriter, to continue the annual selection.
Even before 1900, other football devotees had begun making their own All-America choices. The number of these selections increased as the popularity of football grew; major newspapers, news services, feature syndicates, and eventually magazines (most notably Look) picked annual teams. Rice and Collier’s began the practice of compiling their selections from the findings of a nationwide board of the American Football Coaches Association, which continues to select an All-America team. The major American news services, Associated Press and United Press International, also use the findings of representatives scattered throughout the country to choose All-America teams, as does the Football Writers Association of America.

All-America teams are now also chosen in such sports as baseball, basketball, swimming, and track and field and consist of athletes from colleges, high schools, and prep schools.