Reader, consider the egg. It can be poached, scrambled, scotched, roasted, hard-boiled, devilled, pickled, and soft-boiled, all by itself. It can be part of a larger whole: a frittata, an omelette, a salad, benedict, with potatoes, bacon, cheese, green peppers, tabasco, paprika, salt, and pepper. Who’s getting hungry? Non-vegans know the egg as a food of infinite variety and subtle goodness, pleasing in texture, color, and shape. But it is so much more.
It is a vehicle of opinion.
Zoonar/Getty Images When thrown at someone, particularly if it’s rotten, the egg is a potent expression of disapproval.
It is a beautiful canvas.
decorated Easter eggDecorated Easter egg from Czechoslovakia, 20th century.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.We imagine that many people, religious or not, have had the experience of decorating Easter eggs at one time or another. You can simply make the eggshell a different color: stain it with onion skins or beet juice or some commercial product. Alternatively, you use wax to make a resist design. Best of all, in our opinion, is the elaborate Ukrainian and Polish egg-decorating art known as pysanky.
It is an essential element of a photographic process.
Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Évrard invented the process using albumen (that’s the clear gelatinous part that surrounds the yolk) in 1850, and it became the most popular method for photographic printing in the 19th century. Paper was laid on a mixture of albumen and salt. When it dried, it made a glossy coated paper. The process could be used with any type of negative. It yielded precise images (partly because the image actually floated on the surface), and it was inexpensive. It was so popular that early on, commercial producers kept chickens on site!
It is an important vehicle for pigment.
Painters used eggs as binders for applying pigments. The pigment color was produced by ground-up materials found in nature—everything from lapis lazuli to the tiny bodies of scale insects was crushed, then mixed with egg yolk (which dries clear) to produce egg tempera. (Watch Girl With a Pearl Earring to review the process with Colin Firth “Vermeer” as your teacher.)
It is a singular inspiration.
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland, acquired by Henry Walters, 1930, 44.500 Easter eggs were on the mind of Alexander III, who commissioned Peter Carl Fabergé, jeweler and goldsmith to the Russian imperial court, to make an elaborate jewel of an Easter egg for his wife, Maria Fyodorovna. Fabergé’s first egg, the Hen Egg, opened to reveal a golden hen on her nest. The hen also opened, to reveal a miniature version of the Russian imperial crown. Over the years, 50 eggs, each containing a surprise element, were produced for the Romanovs.
It is a game piece.
© Digital Vision/Getty Images Large family picnics, now mostly a thing of the past, played games using eggs. Alongside three-legged races, jumping races (legs inside a potato sack—raise your cane if you can remember what a potato sack looks like), and the like were at least two popular egg games. For one, contestants raced between two points with an egg held in the bowl of a spoon. Another was an egg toss that was won by the couple possessing the last remaining unbroken egg (often one of the eggs was hard-boiled).
It is a cure for the common hangover.
It is called a Prairie Oyster: one raw egg mixed with one teaspoon Worcestershire, some hot sauce, salt and pepper, and two dashes of Tabasco. No, we agree, it isn’t quite as appealing as a little hair of the dog.
It is a garden aid.
AdstockRF Cleaned eggshells are useful in the garden. Broken up and placed around tender shoots, they deter slugs and other pests that have soft undersides. Crushed eggshells add calcium to the soil and are an especially useful addition to tomato plants (helping to prevent blossom end rot). They can also be added to compost bins, where they supply calcium to the soil being built.
It is a good little kitchen helper.
© Tomboy2290/Fotolia Apart from the simple pleasure of eating them in all their righteous glory, eggs cannot be beat (ha-ha) for certain kitchen tasks: among other things, they act as leaven in cakes, they clarify broth that has boiled, and they hold meatloaf together.
It can teach you science.
© You can have all kinds of fun with eggs and call it science. Try this at home: the naked bouncing egg trick. Put an egg in a glass and cover it with vinegar, changing the vinegar after the first 24 hours. One week later the shell will have completely dissolved, leaving a thick, pliable skin covering the now-visible, still-raw yolk inside. What’s left is a bounce-able egg. (But don’t get too crazy, especially if your mom’s around.)