Saint Nicholas is a popular saint among Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians, distinguished for his magnanimity in his lifetime and for his purported ability to perform miracles for those in need. His reputation partially inspired the development of a similarly generous patron figure of Christmas: Santa Claus, as he is known in many countries. The Santa Claus of lore continues to elude children who eagerly await his gifts without actually catching sight of him, while Saint Nicholas’s corporeal existence is evidenced by his remains, resting primarily in Bari, Italy. Indeed, Saint Nicholas’s relics have given a particular gift each year on May 9 at the Basilica of San Nicola: an extraction of consecrated liquid known as the “manna of Saint Nicholas.”

Little is verifiable about Saint Nicholas’s life, but it has been maintained that he was likely the bishop of Myra, in what is today Turkey, at some point during the 4th century and that, upon his death, he was buried in his church, which became a venerated pilgrimage site by the 6th century. After the Muslim Seljuq Turks invaded Anatolia in 1071, Italian sailors and merchants took it upon themselves to remove Saint Nicholas’s remains in 1087. Italian studies scholar Flavia Laviosa has argued that the movement of Saint Nicholas’s remains from their original sacred site in Myra was opportunistic as well as spiritual, since the sailors and merchants would have known, on the basis of precedents, that hosting the relics in Bari would effectively strengthen the city’s global prominence. In fact, since the remains were first interred at Myra, they had been reported to exude a sweet-smelling substance believed to be capable of healing. Remarkably, that phenomenon continued upon their transfer to the tomb in Bari and contributed to the city’s becoming a pilgrimage site of special note in Europe. Though various other churches in the world have laid claim to relics of Saint Nicholas (including bits of his fingers and teeth), his supposed remains at another major repository, in Venice, have not been found to produce the liquid manna.

What exactly, then, is the substance that has been emitted by Bari’s particular set of Saint Nicholas’s relics for hundreds of years and that has been regularly extracted each May since 1980?

Once believed to be an oil, the liquid oozing from Saint Nicholas’s bones in Bari was found by scientists at the University of Bari in 1925 to be water. In all likelihood, it forms as condensation due to the tomb’s location underground in a port city. Despite this seemingly less miraculous revelation about the substance’s composition, many still believe in its curative powers and sacredness. Robert Bartlett, an expert on the veneration of saints, explains that, for devotees, relics are simply “objects that had been in contact with the saint during his or her lifetime, and objects that had been in contact with the saint’s tomb.” Hence, as long as the manna is collecting on the bones, it is imbued with holiness.

The annual celebration and collection of the manna in Bari is held on May 9. It is called the Feast of the Translation, which refers to the movement of the remains from Myra to Bari. The amount of liquid gathered on this day, which is small, is then diluted in a larger pool of water to be bottled in containers adorned with artwork of the saint. Believers can purchase these bottles of manna and possess their own precious relic of Saint Nicholas.