The distribution of skunks is widespread across North America, and encounters involving them are on the increase as humans intrude into the woodlands and fields that are the skunk’s principal habitat. Because it is not unusual for encounters with skunks to end with a staggering odor and the rather pressing need to deal with it, it is important to discuss the general uselessness of tomato juice as a means of neutralizing the anal-gland discharges of Mephitis mephitis.

Most carnivorous mammals have anal glands, but skunks are experts at controlling the production of those glands and aiming their output. Skunk spray gets its odor from the presence of elevated levels of sulfurous chemical compounds called thiols. Also found in onions, these thiols are unmistakable: eyes are likely to tear on an encounter with them.

When it comes to dealing with thiols, the answer is not to be found in tomato juice, whose carotenoids and lycopene simply lack the organic power to neutralize them. Still, tomato juice is more aromatic than most other household liquids, hastening a process called olfactory fatigue. In short, the tomato juice masks the smell of skunkish thiol, and if one remains in a house redolent of tomato juice and skunk scent long enough, the scent will seem to fade. Leave the house for only a moment, though, and the thiols will reassert themselves with a vengeance.

Thiols can be neutralized chemically, though not with tomato juice. Instead, mix half a gallon (about two liters) of 3% hydrogen peroxide with half a cup of baking soda. This forms an oxidizing compound that can be used to soak stinky clothes, while a squirt of liquid dishwashing detergent can be added to create a scent-neutralizing shampoo.