During evenings of the full and new moons in the months of May and June, horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) spawn along the beaches of estuaries of several Mid-Atlantic states. Delaware Bay, an estuary separating Delaware from New Jersey, plays host to the world’s largest horseshoe crab population. On such nights, each female horseshoe crab that crawls from the water typically has a male hitching a ride on her back. As the horseshoe crabs make their way to the high-tide mark, the females dig small holes and deposit their eggs in clusters of a few thousand at a time. Males—often including some besides those attached to the females’ backs—then fertilize the eggs externally. When this event concludes, the adults slip back into the ocean.

However, the horseshoe crab population of Delaware Bay and other locations along the Eastern Seaboard is under threat. By some estimates, the animal’s numbers fell by 90 percent between 2002 and 2017 because of overfishing and habitat loss associated with property development along the beaches. Limulus population declines are troubling to wildlife officials, because several other animals depend on the horseshoe crabs’ spawning.

The American red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) has received special attention, because large groups of these birds forage exclusively for Limulus eggs during their own migration from the southern tip of South America to their summer breeding grounds in the Arctic. Thus, their fate is tied directly to how many horseshoe crab eggs they can find. American red knot populations have crashed since the late 1980s—from roughly 100,000 birds in 1989 to 36,000 in 2001 to less than 15,000 by 2008, with the population improving slightly, to about 15,400, by 2015. This trend suggests that American red knot numbers could be stabilizing, which may indicate either that horseshoe crab populations are also stabilizing (or even increasing) in some of the places frequented by American red knots or that these birds are becoming better at finding clutches of eggs.

Other predators, such as raccoons and foxes, also prey on the eggs, but the main consumer of adult horseshoe crabs is the commercial fishing industry. That industry has long used Limulus as bait to capture whelks and eel (Anguilla rostrata), which is itself used as bait for striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Since this practice takes the lives of increasing numbers of adult horseshoe crabs each year, fewer return to the spawning beaches, so fewer eggs are laid and fertilized—which could explain much of the 28-year-long decline in the American red knot population. Horseshoe crabs are also caught accidentally (as bycatch) by fishing nets designed to catch other species.

Human activities threaten the horseshoe crab in other ways. It is well known that the animal’s reproductive cycle depends on the presence of sandy beaches. These landforms erode and reconstitute themselves according to the action of wind and waves over time. But because beachfront property development has increased dramatically on the Atlantic coast of the United States, the horseshoe crab’s primary breeding habitat has shrunk, especially in New England.

Horseshoe crabs are also used by the biomedical industry. To understand their importance to biomedicine, it helps to look into their distant past. Although Limulus and its three Asian relatives are called horseshoe crabs, they are not really crabs at all: they are more closely related to arachnids (spiders and their relatives) than to modern crabs. Their lineage can be traced as far back as the Ordovician Period (about 485 million to 444 million years ago), and forms similar to those of Limulus and its cousins date back to the Jurassic Period (200 million to 145 million years ago). Despite the passage of time, these animals have not changed much. They retain in their blood a very primitive clotting protein called coagulogen, an agent that makes them unique in the animal kingdom. Coagulogen can detect bacteria (even at concentrations of one part per trillion) and capture them by locking them into a clot called a gel. Consequently, for medical testing applications in which bacterial contamination could be a problem, horseshoe crab blood is in high demand, with a gallon of the stuff valued in the tens of thousands of dollars.

The discovery of coagulogen in 1956 allowed American scientists Frederick Bang and Jack Levin to develop the Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) test for the presence of gram-negative bacteria in injections. This test, which was cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1973 and first licensed in 1977, essentially protects people from much of the harmful bacteria that could appear in fluids injected into the body. Compared with other methods that test for the presence of bacteria, the LAL test is quick, providing an answer within about 45 minutes. To recover the coagulogen, blood is drawn from live horseshoe crabs. Medical testers note that the bleeding process does not typically harm the animals, but other investigators note that horseshoe crab mortality from blood extraction runs just under 30 percent.

People who work in the tourism industry depend on the spawning of the horseshoe crab and the arrival of the American red knot to attract visitors to their restaurants and hotels. One economic study conducted in 2008 noted that tourism revenue from shorebird watching generated $30 million annually in southern New Jersey alone.

Clearly, the horseshoe crab is an important player in the ecosystem dynamics of Delaware Bay and other Mid-Atlantic estuaries. Its absence would be felt by several species, including our own, affecting the livelihoods of thousands of commercial fishers, biomedical workers, and tourism-dependent businesses. L. polyphemus as a whole is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Populations along the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern shores are stable or increasing despite beachfront property development, but they are declining in New England and in parts of Florida. Since the horseshoe crab is so intimately connected to so many other species, including human stakeholders in the area, environmental management and species protection plans that ensure its continued presence and promote its recovery provide the most benefit to all.