Before being named Trajan’s successor as Roman emperor, Hadrian spent a period of time in Athens, likely from the end of his consulship in 108 CE until he was appointed legatus (“general”) of the Syrian province in 117. In his youth he was affectionately known as Graeculus (“little Greek”) on account of his love for Hellenic culture, but it is plausible that Hadrian’s philhellenism truly blossomed here. The Athenian elite seemed to fancy him in turn, for they named him archon eponymus, an ancient and revered magisterial title.

Hadrian’s years in Athens affected his administrative and cultural approach to Greece in general and Athens in particular when he was emperor. He spent much of his reign touring the provinces, devoting a great deal of time to Greece and the other eastern provinces. In Athens Hadrian sponsored the completion of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, one of the largest of its time. In 129 he appended Olympius to his list of titles, and in 131/132 Athens honoured him with the Arch of Hadrian, on which they inscribed his name alongside Theseus’s as founder of the city. About that same time Hadrian established the Panhellenion, a federation of Greek cities with Athens as its centre. All members received equal representation in the eyes of the Roman state.

Hadrian’s portraiture is an enduring testament to his philhellenism. In republican Rome, patricians extolled virtues like truthfulness and austerity as qualities of a great Roman. They could trace these qualities back to the legendary fearless soldiers—and simple farmers—of the early republic. Patricians expressed these virtues through what is termed veristic, or realistic, portraiture, which typically involves features like clean-shaven, deeply wrinkled faces and short-cropped hair. During times of political turbulence, emperors in the latter half of the 1st century often portrayed themselves in this manner to ground their authority in the rustic values of stabler times. Hadrian departs from this tradition, although some of his predecessors—notably Emperor Augustus Caesar—did so as well. Hadrian’s portrait type incorporates the youthful athleticism and pristine complexion typical of Greek idealism. In contrast to verism, this artistic style focuses on the beauty of man as adjacent to that of the divine. As a result, Hadrian’s portrait type is ageless and free of blemishes. He further borrows from Greek tradition with his most distinguishing features: long curly hair and a tight beard. The beard in particular was a Greek symbol of virility, and he was the first emperor to sport one.