A wave. A thumbs-up. A middle finger. You may think you know what these common gestures signify…but what happens when you wave to your European friend across the street and she turns to walk the other way?

There’s a reason for that reaction, and it isn’t because your friend is tired of your company. While most Americans interpret a wave as a friendly greeting or goodbye, the same motion is just as likely to communicate the word no in parts of Europe and Latin America. The same dissonance is true of other signals: designating the number two or a peace sign by holding up two fingers with the palm facing inward is inoffensive in most of the world, but it’s a vulgar gesture in the United Kingdom and Australia. Curling your pointer finger toward your body might summon someone across the room in the U.S. but is a way of saying “goodbye” in Italy.

Looking at these differences, it may feel fairly obvious that body language isn’t universal. But why?

The most common understanding of the subject relates body language to spoken language. Gestures with specific meanings, while colloquially called “body language,” belong to the field of kinesics, an area of study that distinguishes these movements from more instinctive actions, such as smiling when happy or looking away when embarrassed. Developed by American anthropologist Ray Birdwhistell in the 1950s, kinesics uses the building blocks of linguistics to understand how gestures generate meaning. As the units of sound that form spoken words are called phonemes, the units of motion that form kinesic gestures are called kinemes—and, as the same phoneme can communicate a different meaning across languages, the same kineme can also communicate different meanings in different cultures or contexts. For example, the thumbs-up kineme signifies a job well done (or a desire to hitch a ride) in North America, but it means something extremely rude in Australia when moved up and down. And the mixed messages don’t stop there. In Germany the same thumbs-up kineme represents the number one, but in Japan it means “five” instead.

There’s one more complication in understanding nonverbal communication, though. Although body language isn’t universal, the emotions behind it may be. In a study performed by American researcher Paul Ekman, participants from the West, insular African communities, and New Guinea were shown a collection of more than 10,000 portraits illustrating different facial expressions (a man frowning with a furrowed brow indicates anger; the same man frowning with downcast eyes indicates sadness). When 90 percent of participants, regardless of cultural background, identified the same emotions in the photos, Ekman concluded that there were at least seven universal facial expressions: anger, disgust, fear, surprise, happiness, sadness, and contempt.

So while a wave or thumbs-up may not translate on your next trip abroad, a genuine expression of emotion probably will.