Japan informed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in October 2015 that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) would not have any jurisdiction over “any dispute arising out of, concerning, or relating to research on, or conservation, management or exploitation of, living resources of the sea.”

This special declaration by Japan, which one Australian government official noted was an attempt to skirt international whaling restrictions, came in response to an April 2015 ruling by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The IWC, which oversees whaling management and whale conservation internationally, stated that there was not enough information in Japan’s NEWREP-A proposal, which was first published in draft form in November 2014, to require the “lethal sampling” of whales.

In March 2014 the ICJ had ruled that Japan’s previous whaling plan, called JARPA II, was illegal, because it lacked any scientific justification for hunting whales. JARPA II’s replacement, the NEWREP-A plan, is designed ostensibly to achieve two goals: help researchers determine the population thresholds required to reinstate sustainable commercial whaling and assist researchers in their quest to learn about the marine ecosystem that rings Antarctica. To meet those goals, however, the plan required the harvesting of nearly 4,000 minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) between 2015 and 2027. Animal activist groups believed that this announcement by Japan was the latest move by the country to resume illegal whaling. Japan’s rejection of the ICJ’s authority will make it more difficult for Australia, which brought the case to the ICJ that challenged the legality of the JARPA II plan, and other governments to challenge Japanese whaling efforts going forward.

Wholesale commercial whaling stopped in 1986 after members of the IWC agreed to a whaling moratorium, after the populations of several species had dropped to dangerously low levels between the 1960s and early 1980s. Along with limited subsistence hunting by aboriginal peoples in Greenland and elsewhere, some residual Japanese, Norwegian, and Icelandic harvesting has continued, often under the guise of scientific research.