Pokémon GO

Has Pokémon GO Been Good for Society?
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Pokémon GO—the mobile app game, part of the massive Pokémon media franchise, that revolutionized augmented reality (AR) gaming—was downloaded more than 500 million times during its inaugural year of 2016, becoming the most popular mobile game ever. Within a month of its release, it had earned five Guinness World Records, including most revenue and downloads generated by a mobile game in its first month. The market value of Nintendo, the company that created the game, grew by $9 billion within five days of the game’s release. The game has been downloaded more than a billion times. [1][2]

The basic premise of the game is for players to capture Pokémon, cartoon fantasy creatures widely seen as cute and cuddly, in a kind of scavenger hunt that uses the GPS on their mobile phones while they walk around in the real world; the app brought the experience of indoor gaming to the outdoors. In 2022, one gamer was credited with capturing all of the Pokémon then available, including all 905 Pokémon and every gender and regional variant, for a total of 1,244 creatures; the feat took the gamer a decade to complete. The game’s slogan has been “Gotta catch ’em all.” [3]

While the game generates few headlines today, it still amassed more than 40 million downloads in 2023. It was especially popular during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns of 2020, earning some $445.3 million via micro-transactions within the game for the first six months of that year. And the game continues to evolve, with the release of new creatures and events, including the annual “Festival of Lights,” featuring special glowing Pokémon. [18][33][34][35]

But along with the game have come concerns and even risks, spawning such questions: Is playing Pokémon GO harmful or helpful? Has the game been good for society? Explore the debate below.

Pros and Cons at a Glance

Pro 1: There are mental and physical health benefits from playing the game. Read More.Con 1: Playing the game has led to injuries, even deaths. Read More.
Pro 2: The game has brought people together, creating a sense of community. Read More.Con 2: The app encourages unhealthy impulses and gaming in inappropriate places. Read More.
Pro 3: The game has been a boon to local businesses. Read More.Con 3: The app spurs gaming disorders, privacy concerns, and criminal activity. Read More.

Pro Arguments

 (Go to Con Arguments)

Pro 1: There are mental and physical health benefits from playing the game.

Walking around is necessary to play the game, and users are getting physical health benefits from the exercise. [4]

The 63-year-old Robin Tarry told the BBC that the game has encouraged he and his wife to walk about 30 miles a week, helping him lose about 42 pounds and manage his diabetes. [19]

One user told BuzzFeed, “I have struggled with motivation and energy since I was 9, when I developed severe depression….But as soon as I got Pokemon Go I was able to leave the house, and I walked outside for hours and suddenly found myself enjoying it. I had the instant rush of dopamine whenever I caught a Pokémon, and I wanted to keep going. Then today and yesterday I purposely put myself in social situations, going to the mall, just to play.” [5]

Pro 2: The game has brought people together, creating a sense of community.

By exploring their communities and sharing information about where to find creatures, players are interacting with strangers.

One player tweeted about a late-night experience during which he befriended two other players of a different race and age group. While they were talking, they were approached by a police officer. After they explained the game to him, the officer also started playing. [6]

“[O]verall, this is a positive moment, a moment of real community and good feelings all thanks to a mobile game and some adorable Pokémon,” writes Forbes contributor Erik Kain. [7]

During the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic lockdowns, Niantic (the parent company of  Pokémon GO) enhanced the game’s virtual social features so players could more easily connect in-game when they couldn’t as easily explore their physical communities. A bonus to these adjustments is that they allow for easier play for people with disabilities, expanding the gaming community. [20][21]

Pro 3: The game has been a boon to local businesses.

As people explore their towns while playing the app, they are discovering new shops, restaurants, and more. This increase in foot traffic is a boost to businesses.

“With Pokemon Go, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to create strong emotional bonds with new customers, and for very little money,” says business expert Walter Chen. Some stores around the country have reported an increase in sales between 5 and 30 percent. [8][9]

When local businesses began to close during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Niantic launched the Local Business Recovery Initiative on June 15, 2020. Players nominated their favorite local small businesses to have a storefront integrated into the Pokémon GO app for a year for free. [22]

Con Arguments

 (Go to Pro Arguments)

Con 1: Playing the game has led to injuries, even deaths.

According to news reports, users have tripped, fallen into a lake, crashed a car, fallen on railroad tracks resulting in an amputated leg, and sustained other injuries while playing the game. [10][11][23][24]

The National Safety Council released a statement urging people to be more cautious while playing Pokémon GO, saying in part, “Reports of close calls associated with playing Pokémon Go already are rolling in. The Council urges gamers to consider safety over their scores before a life is lost. No race to ‘capture’ a cartoon monster is worth a life.” [12]

Head and neck injuries due to distracted drivers spiked after the launch of Pokémon GO. Distracted users are also inflicting injury on others. A driver playing Pokémon GO struck and killed an 85-year-old woman in Japan. [25][26]

Con 2: The app encourages unhealthy impulses and gaming in inappropriate places.

As Encyclopaedia Britannica reports, “some adults protested the implicit message [in the game] that it was all right for humans to capture and enslave sentient beings (the Pokémon had free will and rudimentary language), and others thought that the fantastic nature of the creatures promoted occult beliefs and practices.” To some parents, the characters are anti-Christian pagan idols.[38]

Moreover, in their quest to capture creatures, players have failed to respect their surroundings, spawning countless articles, such as Evan Dashevsky’s compilation, “18 Completely Inappropriate Places to Play Pokemon Go,” for PCMag. For example, players have captured Pokémon in the emergency room, birthing rooms, the Auschwitz Nazi death camp, funerals, and on an active battlefield near Mosul, among others. Some players of the game even cheer out loud, in these solemn settings, upon capturing a Pokémon. [27]

Arlington National Cemetery released a statement saying, “Out of respect for all those interred at Arlington National Cemetery, we require the highest level of decorum from our guests and visitors. Playing games such as ‘Pokémon Go’ on these hallowed grounds would not be deemed appropriate.” [13]

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum also asked visitors to stop catching Pokémon on-site. [14]

The 9/11 Memorial in New York City issued a similar warning. “A lot of people died here. It’s a place to reflect, not to play a game,” a visitor told TIME magazine. [15]

Con 3: The app spurs gaming disorders, privacy concerns, and criminal activity.

Hit games like Pokémon GO contribute to digital addiction and gaming disorder. Gaming disorder is defined by the World Health Organization as “a pattern of gaming behavior…characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences,” leading to “significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.” According to one study, up to 9% of players of the game fit the criteria for the disorder. [36]

There are also many privacy concerns with geolocation technology. As AI engineer Jesus Olivera has warned, “While the benefits of geolocation technology for both consumers and businesses are clear, they come with significant risks, particularly regarding the collection and storage of geolocation data.” Many of these companies that “track geolocation data and provide services around it operate discreetly in the background, potentially capturing data without the individual’s knowledge or consent.” [37] 

Distracted players of Pokémon GO have also been victims of a variety of crimes, including beatings, stabbings, and shootings. Players have also been victimized when they accidentally stumble upon and witness crimes in progress. [23][28][29][30][31][32]

Four teens in Missouri were arrested on suspicion of committing at least ten armed robberies by using the app to lure users to a specific location. A police department in Philadelphia warned on Twitter (X), “Be mindful on what you play online, A String of armed robberies perpetrated by suspects who targeted their victims using Pokémon Go.” [16][17]

Discussion Questions

  1. Has Pokémon GO been good for society? Explain your answer with pros and cons.
  2. Can video games improve physical and mental health? Why or why not?
  3. What rules should people follow when playing location-based games such as Pokémon GO? And should it be easier for businesses and sites, especially where gaming is inappropriate, to opt out of such apps and for users to better understand how their user activity and locations are collected, used, and even sold?
  4. Has Pokémon GO contributed to digital addiction? Explain your answer.

Take Action

  1. Examine the brain benefits of Pokémon GO for people on the autism spectrum at the University of Utah.
  2. Consider the public health implications of Pokémon GO at the American Journal of Public Health.
  3. Analyze the dangers of Pokémon GO with the American Safety Council.
  4. Consider how you felt about the issue before reading this article. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking changed? If so, how? List two to three ways. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the “other side of the issue” now helps you better argue your position.
  5. Push for the position and policies you support by writing U.S. senators and representatives.


  1. Darrell Etherington, “Pokémon Go Adds $9B to Nintendo’s Value, Global Rollout Continues This Week,” techcrunch.com, July 11, 2016; Sarah Perez, “Pokémon Go Tops Twitter’s Daily Users, Sees More Engagement Than Facebook,” techcrunch.com, July 13, 2016; Rachel Swatman, “Pokémon Go Catches Five New World Records,” guinnessworldrecords.com, August 10, 2016
  2. “Pokémon Go: Downloads, Revenue & Usage Statistics 2024,” owebest.com, May 15, 2024; Joseph Schwartz, “Pokémon GO: The Data Behind America’s Latest Obsession,” similarweb.com, July 10, 2016
  3. German Lopez, “Pokémon Go, Explained,” vox.com, July 13, 2016; Michael Eugene Arrieta JR, “Pokemon Fan Has Caught All the Pokemon,” gamerant.com, May 24, 2022
  4. Andrew Richdale, “Is Pokémon Go Good for Travel?,” afar.com, July 12, 2016
  5. Alicia Melville-Smith, “Playing Pokémon Go Is Helping People with Mental Health Issues Feel Better,” buzzfeed.com, July 10, 2016
  6. Mark Molloy, “Man Searching for Pokémon at 3am Caught Up in ‘Drug Deal’ Mix-Up,” telegraph.co.uk, July 10, 2016
  7. Erik Kain, “ ‘Pokémon GO’ Is More Than Just a Game and It’s Bringing People Together,” forbes.com, July 11, 2016
  8. Walter Chen, “How Pokemon Go Is Driving Insane Amounts of Sales at Small, Local Businesses,” inc.com, July 11, 2016
  9. Dylan Segelbaum, “ ‘Pokémon Go’ Helps Sales at Some Local Businesses,” ydr.com, July 12, 2016
  10. Andrea Park, “Pokémon Go Users Are Reporting Injuries, Car Crashes and Sunburns in Their Quests to ‘Catch ’Em All,’ ” people.com, July 12, 2016
  11. Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, “Gotta Soak ’Em All! Pokemon Go Hunter Falls into Pond While Playing,” cnet.com, July 12, 2016
  12. National Safety Council, “Statement from the National Safety Council on Pokémon Go Safety Concerns,” prnewswire.com, July 12, 2016
  13. Arlington National Cemetery, “ANC Policy Regarding Pokemon Go & Other Smartphone Gaming,” arlingtoncemetery.mil, July 12, 2016
  14. Allana Akhtar, “Holocaust Museum, Auschwitz Want Pokémon Go Hunts Out,” usatoday.com, July 13, 2016
  15. Melissa Chan, “Pokémon Go Players Anger 9/11 Memorial Visitors: ‘It’s a Hallowed Place,’ ” time.com, July 12, 2016
  16. Ryan W. Miller, “Teens Used Pokémon Go App to Lure Robbery Victims, Police Say,” usatoday.com, July 11, 2016
  17. Philadelphia Police Department 35th District, Twitter post, twitter.com, July 10, 2016
  18. Kim Key, “Who Is Still Playing Pokémon GO?,” screenrant.com, July 8, 2020
  19. Ryan Craddock, “Pokémon GO Players Share Stories of Improved Health and Social Lives,” nintendolife.com, Jan. 2, 2020
  20. Niantic, “Embracing Real-World Gaming from Home,” nianticlabs.com, Mar. 30, 2020
  21. Bryant Francis, “How Pokemon Go Evolved in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic,” gamasutra.com, Aug. 5, 2020
  22. Moor Insights and Strategy and Zane Pickett, “Pokemon Go-Vid: Niantic, Inc. Launches Local Business Recovery Initiative,” forbes.com, July 12, 2020
  23. Pokémon GO Death Tracker, pokemongodeathtracker.com (accessed Aug. 17, 2020)
  24. Chris Baynes, “Man Has Leg Amputated After Falling on to Railway Tracks While Playing Pokémon Go,” independent.co.uk, Dec. 3, 2018
  25. Japan Today, “85-Year-Old Woman Fatally Struck by Driver Playing Pokemon Go,” japantoday.com, Apr. 16, 2018
  26. Patti Verbanas, “Phone Distraction Injuries Spiked at Pokémon Go Launch,” nextgov.com, Dec. 8, 2019
  27. Neal Augenstein, “Who Thought It Was a Good Idea to Put ‘Pokemon Go’ in the Holocaust Museum?” wtop.com, July 15, 2016; Evan Dashevsky, “18 Completely Inappropriate Places to Play Pokemon Go,” pcmag.com, July 26, 2016
  28. Tita Smith, “Pokémon Go Player Who Was Hunting for Pikachu Is Knifed in the Neck After He Refused to Give a Stranger $5 and a Cigarette,” msn.com, Feb. 12, 2020
  29. Libor Jany, “Pokémon Go Player, Pregnant Woman Victims of Minneapolis Weekend Shootings, Police Say,” startribune.com, Nov. 19, 2018
  30. Jez Hemming, “Pokemon Go Player Punched and Kicked in ‘Nasty, Cowardly’ Street Attack,” dailypost.co.uk, July 23, 2019
  31. Michael McDevitt, “A Vigil for a Friend Follows Second Rogers Park Murder in Two Days,” loyolaphoenix.com, Oct. 2, 2018
  32. Mariel Padilla, “Woman Playing Pokémon Go Is Killed After Witnessing Robbery, Police Say,” nytimes.com Oct. 22, 2019
  33. Statista, “Global Pokémon Go Downloads Worldwide from 3rd Quarter 2016 to 2nd Quarter 2023,” statista.com, Aug. 7, 2023
  34. Pokémon GO Live, “Tadbulb Makes Its Illuminating Debut During the Festival of Lights!,” pokemongolive.com, Oct. 25, 2023
  35. Sports Illustrated, “Pokémon Go Festival of Lights 2023: All Timed Research Tasks,” videogames.si.com, Nov. 7, 2023
  36. World Health Organization, “Addictive Behaviours: Gaming Disorder,” October 22, 2020; Jeroen S. Lemmens, “Caught Them All: Gaming Disorder, Motivations for Playing and Spending Among Core Pokémon Go Players,” sciencedirect.com, Mar. 2023
  37. Jesus Olivera, “From Pokemon to Privacy: Understanding Geolocation Data Regulations,” medium.com, July 8, 2024
  38. Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Pokémon,” britannica.com (accessed Jan. 31, 2025)
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