Social Security
The Social Security trust fund has been paying out more in benefits than it collects in employee taxes since 2010, and it is projected to run short of money by 2035. One proposal to replace the current government-administered system is the partial privatization of Social Security, which would allow workers to manage their own retirement funds through personal investment accounts. [3][60][94][96]
History and Structure of Social Security
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on Aug. 14, 1935, creating the Social Security program. The program provided a social insurance system based on the idea that if workers pooled a portion of their wages, they would be able to protect one another and their families against wage loss due to retirement. Through this national benefits program, Social Security made available a basic level of monthly income to workers who paid into the system. [61][62]
Although benefits were initially restricted to workers aged 65 years and older, the program expanded over time and is now also known as the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program (OASDI). In 1939, benefits were introduced for spouses and minor children of retired workers, and “survivors benefits” could be paid to the family of a worker who died prematurely. Benefits for disabled workers were added in 1956, and the minimum age at which workers became eligible for old-age insurance payments was lowered to 62 for women in 1956 and for men in 1961. [63][64]
A 1983 Social Security Amendment included a tax on benefits for the first time—50% of Social Security benefits became subject to taxation for individuals with an income of $20,000 or more—and raised the full-benefit retirement age from 65 to 67. [11]
Social Security benefits were initially intended to supplement pensions and personal savings for retirees. However, Social Security payments have become the primary retirement plan for many Americans. The percentage of American workers with employer-funded defined benefit pension plans declined from 39% in 1980 to 20% in 2007. [11]
By 2014, 22% of married retirees and about 47% of unmarried retirees were relying on Social Security for 90% or more of their income. About 59 million people were receiving Social Security benefits at the end of 2014: 42 million retired workers and their dependents, 11 million disabled workers and their dependents, and 6 million surviving relatives of deceased workers. [3][66]
Social Security does not maintain individual savings accounts for each worker but operates as a pay-as-you-go system, in which each generation of workers supports the preceding generation’s retirees. In 2015, U.S. citizens had 6.2% of their earnings (up to $118,500) taken out as Social Security Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes, which are commonly referred to as payroll taxes. Employers paid 6.2% of each employee’s earnings (up to $118,500) in payroll taxes. Individuals can begin collecting reduced retirement benefits at age 62, and full retirement benefits can be claimed at the age of 67. [54][67]
Although the Social Security Act entitles workers to receive benefits, these benefits are not guaranteed by law. The federal government does not have a legal liability to pay retirees the money they paid into the system over their working careers, and Congress can change the rules regarding benefit eligibility at any time. [24][68]
About 65 million people were receiving Social Security benefits at the end of 2020: 46 million retired workers and 3 million of their dependents; 8.2 million disabled workers and 1.5 million of their dependents; and 6 million surviving relatives of deceased workers. As of Mar. 10, 2021, the withholding rate for Social Security was 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee. [95][96]
Social Security’s Projected Insolvency
According to the 2015 annual report of the Social Security Board of Trustees, the cost of Social Security benefits would exceed tax revenues beginning in 2020, and the program will become insolvent (i.e., unable to pay beneficiaries in full) when reserves become exhausted in 2034. Social Security was projected to have enough tax revenue to pay 79% of benefits owed in 2034. The Trustees predicted a budget shortfall of $10.7 trillion through 2089. [3]
The 2020 Social Security Board of Trustees report indicated that, if no further action is taken, the program will be insolvent by 2035, when the U.S. government will be able to pay about three-quarters of benefits. [96]
A May 6, 2024 Social Security Board of Trustees reports stated that retirees will only receive 83% of their benefits after 2035 if no changes are made by Congress. However, on Dec. 21, 2024, Congress approved legislation to pay full social security benefits to certain public sector retirees (including teachers, firefighters, and police officers). That plan comes with a $196 billion price tag and is projected to speed up insolvency by six months. [98][99]
Several factors have been contributing to Social Security’s predicted insolvency, including the aging of the American population. Millions of post-World-War II baby boomers began reaching retirement age in 2011, in what has been called America’s “silver tsunami” (or “gray tsunami”). By 2030 all baby boomers will be more than 65 years old—an estimated 73 million people. By 2034, older adults will outnumber people under 18 years old for the first time in U.S. history. In 2010 the estimated life expectancy was 78.7 years, compared with 61.7 years in 1935 when the program began. [54][70][97]
Birth rates have fallen from more than three children per woman during the baby boom (1946–65) to 1.7 children per woman in 2019. To replace the baby boomer population, 2.1 children per woman would be needed. Because of this decline, the ratio of workers to beneficiaries has dropped significantly. In 1940 there were 159.4 workers for each beneficiary, but the ratio had fallen to 5.1 workers for each beneficiary by 1960, and by 2013 there were only 2.8 workers for each beneficiary. [1][71][97]
Brief History of the Privatization Debate in the United States
During the 1990s American politicians and think tanks began suggesting private investment accounts as one option to prevent the Social Security program’s impending financial difficulties. In Jan. 1997 a report issued by the Advisory Council on Social Security offered three proposals to alter the program in an effort to ensure future solvency. The proposals all involved investing retirement contributions in the stock market. One of the plans envisaged the government investing money from a common pool, but the other two ideas specified the establishment of an individual account for each worker. One plan proposed publicly held individual accounts, and the other plan suggested private accounts. [68][72]
A partial privatization of the program using private accounts gained support in the ensuing years, largely from Republican politicians and conservative think tanks but also from some moderate Democrats. While proposals differed, the unifying element was the notion of individual private retirement accounts, with a portion of each individual’s payroll taxes diverted from the trust fund to accounts similar to IRA or 401(k) plans. In late 1997 President Bill Clinton was reportedly in discussions with House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) to put forward a bipartisan proposal to reform Social Security by using private accounts, but the plan never went ahead. [73][74][75]
During the 2000 U.S. presidential campaign, Republican nominee George W. Bush ran on the promise of letting “younger workers take a portion of their payroll taxes and put it in the marketplace.” Bush’s Social Security reform proposal won considerable public support, and some commentators gave it partial credit for Bush’s eventual victory over Democratic nominee Al Gore. On May 2, 2001, Bush appointed a commission to examine his proposed changes to Social Security, but his first term was dominated by responses to the 9/11 attacks. Bush again touted personal accounts in his successful 2004 reelection campaign. However, after he was reelected, he revised his plan and called for future retirees’ benefits to be reduced by about 40% to prevent the trust fund from becoming insolvent. He also refused to rule out a raise in taxes to support the program’s restructuring. Public support for the proposal dropped, the influential retirees’ organization AARP lobbied against the idea, and Democratic opposition in Congress intensified. By late 2005 the plan had stalled and public discussion about privatization remained relatively dormant for several years. [76][77][78][79][80][81]
Public Opinion in 2011–15
In a Sept. 2011 poll conducted by CNN/ORC International (formerly Opinion Research Corp.), 52% of adult American respondents favored the partial privatization of Social Security, and 46% opposed it. According to Feb. 2014 polling by Pew Research, 51% of millennials and 50% of Gen Xers believed that Social Security would not be able to provide them with any benefits at all by the time they retired. In a Jan. 2015 Gallup poll, 46% of those polled said they “personally worry about the Social Security system,” which is fairly consistent with polls taken regularly since 2005. An Apr. 2015 Gallup poll found that 36% of American non-retirees expected Social Security to be a “major source” of their retirement income, the highest percentage in 15 years of polling. Gallup also found that the percentage of 18–34-year-olds who expected to rely on Social Security as a “major source” of their retirement income doubled between the periods 2005–06 and 2014–15, from 13% to 26%. [5][22][86] [87][88]
2016–17 Debate
Several 2016 Republican presidential candidates expressed their support for privatizing Social Security with personal accounts, including Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, and Ted Cruz. However, the debate in Washington, D.C., focused on how to change Social Security’s revenue and benefit structure to avoid insolvency. Some former supporters of private accounts shifted their positions to favor solutions including raising the retirement age, changing the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) formula, or cutting benefits. Other suggestions included removing the payroll tax cap on high earners, using the revenues to replenish the trust fund and increase the maximum benefit, introducing means-testing so that wealthy retirees would receive reduced or no benefits, and raising Social Security taxes. [82][83][84] [85][89]
After 2017, the debate again went dormant. Politicians and think tanks have proposed other ways to resolve, reduce, or eliminate the Social Security program.
2025 Onward
Going into his second term, President Donald Trump promised, “I will not cut a single penny from Social Security or Medicare, and I will not raise the retirement age by a single day.” To many Social Security recipients, “his commitment has been welcomed by those worried about potential benefit reductions.” How the Social Security system will remain solvent, however, remained a matter of concern, in part because Trump also promised to carry out mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, who collectively contributed $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes, according to recent estimates. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive Social Security payments, meaning their payments into Social Security are something of a bonus. [100][101]
According to Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), there were billions of dollars that could be saved by ending entitlement payments to individuals with no Social Security number or even a temporary ID number. A high percentage of these alleged payments were believed to be fraudulent.[102]
Pros and Cons at a Glance
Pro 1: The current Social Security program will be insolvent by 2035, so a better system is urgently required. Read More. | Con 1: Privatizing Social Security would do nothing to solve its impending insolvency and could actually make it worse. Read More. |
Pro 2: With private personal accounts, retirees could see higher returns on their investment and more money in their pockets. Read More. | Con 2: Private Social Security accounts would undermine the guaranteed retirement income provided by Social Security by putting people’s retirement money at the whim of the stock market. Read More. |
Pro 3: Private accounts would give individuals control over their retirement decisions. Read More. | Con 3: Privatizing Social Security would dramatically increase the national debt. Read More. |
Pro 4: Individual investment accounts would boost economic growth by injecting money back into the American financial system. Read More. | Con 4: Privatizing Social Security would put billions of dollars into the pockets of Wall Street financial services corporations in the form of brokerage and management fees. Read More. |
Pro 5: Being able to invest in one’s own private retirement account would remove the uncertainty that accompanies the current government-controlled program. Read More. | Con 5: Other policy changes could fix Social Security more effectively and less disruptively than privatization. Read More. |
Pro 6: Private retirement accounts would give workers the contractual right to retirement benefits, a right missing from the current Social Security system. Read More. | Con 6: Many people lack the basic financial literacy to make wise investment decisions on their own, and, if workers had to adopt private accounts, unscrupulous financial advisers could take advantage of novice investors. Read More. |
Pro Arguments
(Go to Con Arguments)Pro 1: The current Social Security program will be insolvent by 2035, so a better system is urgently required.
Due to an aging population and a declining birthrate, the ratio of workers to retirees has been shrinking, thereby reducing the funds available for future retirees. [97]
In 1940 the payroll tax contributions of 159 workers paid for the benefits of one recipient. In 2013 the estimated ratio was 2.8 workers for each recipient. [1]
Since 2010 Social Security has been paying out more in benefits than it receives in worker contributions. The 2020 Social Security Board of Trustees report indicated that, if no further action is taken, the program will be insolvent by 2035, when the U.S. government will be able to pay about three-quarters of benefits. [96]
Using the existing system to avert the pending collapse of Social Security would require deep cuts in benefits, heavy borrowing, or substantial tax hikes. A better solution would be to switch to private retirement accounts that would be funded with existing payroll taxes. The Cato Institute’s Project on Social Security stated that moving to personal retirement accounts could “reduce Social Security’s debt and bring the system back into solvency.” [4]
Pro 2: With private personal accounts, retirees could see higher returns on their investment and more money in their pockets.
The year-over-year growth rate for private investments (6.38% average real returns on investments in the S&P 500 between 1984 and 2014) was much higher than the return gained by retired workers in the current Social Security program (between 2.67% and 3.91% return on the contributions made by a medium-income two-earner couple as of Dec. 2014). [10][12][91]
Martin Feldstein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, said that, with a private account earning a modest 5.5% real rate of return, “someone with $50,000 of real annual earnings during his working years could accumulate enough to fund an annual payout of about $22,000 after age 67, essentially doubling the current Social Security benefit.” [14]
Pro 3: Private accounts would give individuals control over their retirement decisions.
Americans are capable of making their own decisions regarding how their retirement contributions are invested. [15]
Peter Ferrara, former director of the International Center for Law and Economics, stated that private accounts “would allow workers personal ownership and control over their retirement funds and broader freedom of choice,” and, if the accounts were optional (as they were in President George W. Bush’s plan), workers “would also be free to choose whether to exercise the personal account option or stay entirely in the old Social Security framework.” [16]
Pro 4: Individual investment accounts would boost economic growth by injecting money back into the American financial system.
In the decades following Chile’s privatization of its pension system in 1981, the savings accounts that were established generated the equivalent of about 40% of GNP, and Chile’s annual growth rate rose above 7%—double the country’s historic growth rate—according to José Piñera, Chile’s former secretary of labor and social security. [17]
Peter Ferrara, former director of the International Center for Law and Economics, stated, “The reduced tax burden and higher savings and investment resulting from personal accounts would substantially boost economic growth. This would result in more jobs, better jobs, and higher wages and overall income.” [16]
Pro 5: Being able to invest in one’s own private retirement account would remove the uncertainty that accompanies the current government-controlled program.
According to a 2010 Gallup poll, 60% of currently working adults assumed they will not receive Social Security benefits when they retire. With private accounts, individuals will be paying into a fund that they control instead of a government-controlled trust fund that may run out of money before they ever receive the benefits they’ve earned. The problem has only gotten worse. [22]
Edward P. Lazear, chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers during the George W. Bush presidency, stated that “private accounts enhance, rather than reduce, the likelihood that contributors will receive what they expect. Benefits are more, not less, secure with private accounts,” because, while the government could succumb to pressure to reduce benefits or change the age of eligibility at any time, returns on, for example, U.S. Treasury bonds “will be paid with virtual certainty.” [23]
A system using private accounts would be restricted to allow only low-risk investments, so returns would be assured. Converting Social Security into private accounts does not mean workers would be free to put their contributions into high-risk ventures. People would not be allowed to invest their Social Security savings in individual stocks or other highly volatile investments. President Bush’s 2005 plan would only have allowed relatively low-risk investments, such as “a conservative mix of bonds and stock funds.” [26][27][28]
Pro 6: Private retirement accounts would give workers the contractual right to retirement benefits, a right missing from the current Social Security system.
In the 1960 U.S. Supreme Court case Flemming v. Nestor, a retiring legal immigrant eligible for Social Security benefits who paid into the system for 19 years was denied his Social Security retirement money after being deported for being a member of the Communist Party. [24][32]
Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, stated that, “under a privatized Social Security system, workers would have full property rights in their retirement accounts. They would own the money in them, the same way people own their IRAs or 401(k) plans. Congress would have no right to touch that money.” He also stated that privatizing Social Security would be a “big boost for the poor” because of inheritable benefits. [25]
The present system is inequitable, because people who live shorter lives collect less of their earned benefits and yet those benefits cannot be transferred to family members. Personal accounts would provide the option to bequeath assets to heirs upon death, an option currently missing from Social Security. [26]
As President Bush stated in his 2005 State of the Union speech, “You’ll be able to pass along the money that accumulates in your personal account, if you wish, to your children or grandchildren.” [26]
Pro Quotes
[Editors’ Note: The debate to specifically privatize Social Security has shifted. Those who largely oppose Social Security altogether as an entitlement and previously argued for privatization are now primarily arguing for other means to change the program.
For example, the Trump administration put in place payroll tax cuts during the COVID-19 pandemic that in turn lowered the amount of money being fed into the Social Security program because Social Security is funded via payroll taxes.]
George U. Sauter, former managing director and chief investment officer at the Vanguard Group, in an opinion piece for the Mar. 27, 2017, Wall Street Journal titled “Should Social Security Be Privatized?,” wrote,
“[Social Security] will be unable to fully pay scheduled benefits by 2034 unless dramatic changes are made.…So, how to fix it?
The best way to begin is to implement a compulsory system of private retirement-savings accounts for individuals.…In a private-account system, there’s no reliance on demographic trends and the government’s ability to tax workers.…
One way to implement such a system is to make 401(k) plans mandatory for every worker. Restrictions could be placed on withdrawals, to make sure people accumulate enough for retirement. To prevent workers from taking too much risk, investment choices could be limited to low-cost, diversified options, such as target-date funds.…
An account funded as described above is likely to provide a far bigger percentage of a retiree’s pre-retirement income than Social Security does.
The government in the past has ‘fixed’ the Social Security system by increasing taxes and retirement ages—and the system is still in trouble. Private accounts are a better solution for both the government and retirees.”
Mar. 27, 2017
Daniel J. Mitchell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, in a video posted on his website to accompany the Dec. 22, 2015, articled titled “The Personal and National Case for Genuine Social Security Reform,” stated,
“[Privatization of Social Security allows] younger workers [to] forgo the miserly benefits promised by government-run retirement schemes in exchange for the chance to invest a portion of their taxes privately. This saves the government money in the long run while allowing workers to amass greater retirement wealth.…
The transition costs of personal accounts are actually lower than the transition costs of trying to bail out social security. In other words, we’re in a deep hole right now but it’s easier to get out of the hole if we implement real reform rather than waiting for the system to collapse.…
Personal retirement accounts mean individual responsibility; they mean the opportunity to pass wealth from one generation to the next; individual accounts mean more economic vitality; they mean saving our children and grandchildren from a future of debt; and they mean we can be free of depending on the crooks and buffoons in Washington for our retirement.”
Dec. 22, 2015
Con Arguments
(Go to Pro Arguments)Con 1: Privatizing Social Security would do nothing to solve its impending insolvency and could actually make it worse.
The trust funds are destined for insolvency because the program’s cost is increasing at a faster rate than revenue from payroll taxes. The situation will get even worse if a portion of each individual’s payroll taxes is diverted away from the Social Security trust funds and into individually controlled retirement accounts, shrinking the funding source for future retirees’ benefits. [3][35]
According to a 1997 Brookings Institution analysis, if just 1% of payroll taxes had been diverted to private accounts in 1998, the trust funds would have been insolvent by 2015. [36]
William A. Galston, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said about President Bush’s 2005 privatization proposal that “it was not clear how private accounts were even part of the solution. At best, they would function alongside of, and in addition to, needed fiscal reforms; at worst…they would exacerbate the system’s fiscal woes.” [37]
Con 2: Private Social Security accounts would undermine the guaranteed retirement income provided by Social Security by putting people’s retirement money at the whim of the stock market.
During the 2008 financial crisis, the three main stock market indexes all dropped precipitously: the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 33.8%, the S&P 500 dropped by 38.5%, and the NASDAQ fell by 40.5%. [38]
Due to the boom and bust cycles of the market, those who retired during an economic downturn would be significantly worse off than those who retired during a boom. Even diversified mutual and bond funds carry significant risk and are not guaranteed or insured by the government. [39][40]
Thus, guaranteed benefits would be reduced significantly under a privatized system. In order to fund private retirement accounts, special insurance protections that are provided by Social Security, such as disability and survivor’s insurance, would need to be reduced.
A 2005 Century Foundation analysis of the Bush Administration’s privatization proposal demonstrated that the diversion of payroll taxes to private accounts would reduce benefit levels by 44% below their 2005 levels by 2052. [45]
Economist Dean Baker estimated that an average 15-year-old in 2005 who retired in 2055 would stand to lose more than $160,000 of his scheduled benefits under Bush’s plan and gain less than a third of that loss back from his investment in a private account. [46]
Con 3: Privatizing Social Security would dramatically increase the national debt.
Transitioning to private accounts while continuing to provide benefits to current Social Security beneficiaries would leave a multitrillion-dollar hole that would need to be filled by more government spending. According to Bloomberg Business, President Bush’s plan would have required “Washington to borrow at least $160 billion a year in the early years,” increasing the country’s debt by 40%. [43]
MIT economist Peter A. Diamond estimated that the costs incurred during the transfer to private accounts would add $1 trillion to $2 trillion to the country’s national debt, which “could trigger an economic crisis.” [43]
Con 4: Privatizing Social Security would put billions of dollars into the pockets of Wall Street financial services corporations in the form of brokerage and management fees.
Private Social Security accounts will be a boon to Wall Street, where banks and investment advisers could receive more than $100 in fees for each account. [53]
Since the number of Social Security beneficiaries is expected to grow to more than 125.7 million by 2090, Wall Street will have guaranteed access to a rapidly growing pool of customers courtesy of the federal government. [54]
Con 5: Other policy changes could fix Social Security more effectively and less disruptively than privatization.
Future budget shortfalls can be eliminated by reducing benefits, increasing taxes, or raising the retirement age. [82][83][84][85]
In 2010 the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that either a 15% cut in benefits or a 2% payroll tax increase could keep the trust funds solvent for an additional 44 years. In addition, the CBO found that eliminating the payroll tax cap ($118,500 as of 2015) would also keep the trust funds solvent for another 44 years. [56]
Higher returns could be offered to retirees if Congress allowed the Social Security trust funds to invest in equities in addition to bonds. [89]
Con 6: Many people lack the basic financial literacy to make wise investment decisions on their own, and, if workers had to adopt private accounts, unscrupulous financial advisers could take advantage of novice investors.
A 2015 survey published in USA Today revealed that only 39% of Americans know the annual percentage rate (APR) on their primary credit card, and almost 45% don’t know what a credit score evaluates. [41]
According to researchers Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell of Dartmouth College, financial illiteracy is widespread among older Americans. In their study on financial literacy among adults over age 50, Lusardi and Mitchell found that only half of the participants could answer two simple questions on compound interest and inflation. [42]
According to the FBI, there were 1,846 cases of securities and commodities fraud pending as of 2011, and some of the schemes defrauded several thousand investors each. Many of the victims were older investors. [47]
The Barack Obama administration’s Council of Economic Advisers estimated that Americans lose about $17 billion per year on retirement investments that are arranged to benefit financial advisers at the expense of investors. [48][49]
After the United Kingdom introduced private accounts in the 1980s, unscrupulous salespeople advised millions of people to invest in risky personal pensions dependent on stock market returns. As a result of the losses incurred, the U.K. government had to pay out more than £13 billion (equivalent to about $20 billion as of Aug. 2015) in compensation to the victims. [50][51][52]
Con Quotes
Max Richtman, president and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, in a Mar. 20, 2020, article, “Opinion: Do Workers Really Want to Gamble Their Social Security Benefits on Wall Street?,” available at, stated,
“This month’s dramatic losses on Wall Street in the midst of the coronavirus crisis are a reminder of why Social Security is so important—and why privatization of Americans’ earned benefits remains such a bad idea.
In a few short weeks, workers nearing retirement have seen their 401(k) accounts crater. They may not have time to recover those losses before retiring. Too many nest eggs will be hollowed-out if not destroyed altogether.
Amid this market volatility, retirees can still count on Social Security for basic retirement income. Those benefits—about $1,500 a month for the average worker—are far from lavish. But they are reliable. A recent survey by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) indicated that more than 40% of retirees depend on Social Security for most or all of their income. That’s one reason why Social Security is the bedrock of America’s working and middle classes.
Unfortunately, entitlement reformers have long sought to privatize the program by allowing workers’ payroll contributions to be invested in private accounts. These “reformers” would encourage Americans to gamble their hard-earned Social Security funds on Wall Street. If markets tumble, retirees’ Social Security checks would be reduced. The distinction between 401(k) plans and guaranteed Social Security benefits would begin to blur—and likely disappear altogether if the program were completely privatized.”
Mar. 20, 2020
Silvia Borzutzky, a teaching professor of political science and international relations at Carnegie Mellon University, in the Dec. 26, 2018, abstract for a Poverty and Public Policy paper, “Privatizing or Annihilating Social Security: What the United States Can Learn from Chile’s Privatization,” available at, stated,
“Based on Chile’s 38-year experience with a privately administered, fully funded, defined contribution system, the adoption of this kind of approach in the United States will be very damaging. We argue that this policy will be especially harmful to low-income groups, to women, to both racial and gender minorities, and to those who have part-time employment or find themselves in and out of the labor market. Additionally, this kind of policy does not solve the financial problems of the Social Security system. In fact, transferring either the entire, or a part of the payroll tax to private accounts will add a new burden to the fiscal coffers via transition costs, as fiscal receipts will diminish and the obligation to pay pensions to old and new retirees will continue. From the standpoint of the insured and potential retiree, the cost of administering the retirement accounts will increase, but there is no certainty that the benefits will increase due to the unpredictable nature of the market and the increase in administrative costs. Most importantly, for lower-income groups, the redistributive effect that Social Security has today will be eliminated.”
Dec. 26, 2018
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM), in “The Truth About Social Security and Privatization” section of their website, (accessed May 9, 2017), wrote,
“Social Security is a successful intergenerational program that has served this country well.…
Privatization is not a plan to save Social Security; it is a plan to dismantle Social Security. Privatization means increased retirement risks, severe cuts in Social Security benefits, and a multi-trillion dollar increase in the federal debt.…
Right now, Social Security provides a guaranteed income, paying benefits every month for life, with increases for inflation. After adjusting for risk, Social Security has a rate of return equal to that of any mix of financial assets in private accounts.
And risk must be taken into account, because stock market returns are never guaranteed! As we’ve seen in recent years, returns can fluctuate wildly.…With privatization, some might do well, many might lose—but our society would lose the benefit of the sound, basic income security provided by Social Security retirement, disability and survivor benefits.…
Privatization is NOT the Answer!”
May 9, 2017
Discussion Questions
- Should Social Security be privatized? Why or why not?
- How should the U.S. government deal with the pending insolvency of Social Security? Explain your answer.
- Should people who will not receive full Social Security benefits due to insolvency have to pay Social Security taxes now? Why or why not?
Take Action
- Analyze how Sweden partially privatized the country’s social security program.
- Explore both sides of the privatization debate with MarketWatch.
- Consider the argument that privatization is just a ruse to dismantle Social Security from Max Richtman, president and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
- Consider how you felt about the issue before reading this article. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking changed? If so, how? List two to three ways. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the other side of the issue now helps you better argue your position.
- Push for the position and policies you support by writing U.S. senators and representatives.
- Social Security Administration, “Frequently Asked Questions: Ratio of Covered Workers to Beneficiaries,” (accessed Aug. 17, 2015)
- “Projected Future Growth of the Older Population: By Age: 1900–2050,” Administration on Aging website, July 16, 2009
- Social Security Administration, “The 2015 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds,”, July 22, 2015
- John Rother, AARP, email to, Apr. 28, 2010
- CNN and ORC International, “CNN/ORC Poll,” Turner Broadcasting System website, Sep. 29, 2011
- Aswath Damodaran, “Annual Returns on Stock, Bonds and T-Bills: 1928–Current,” New York University Stern School of Business website, Jan. 5, 2015
- Aaron Bernstein, “Social Security: Are Private Accounts a Good Idea?,”, Jan. 24, 2005
- Campaign for America’s Future, “Media Advisory: Former Thrift Savings Plan Director to Talk with Reporters About Problems of Privatized Social Security,” Campaign for America’s Future website, Aug. 22, 2001
- Social Security Administration, “Fast Facts and Figures About Social Security, 2009,”, July 2009
- Michael Clingman et al., “Internal Real Rates of Return Under the OASDI Program for Hypothetical Workers,”, Dec. 2014
- Social Security Administration, “Report of the National Commission on Social Security Reform,”, Jan. 1983
- Mark Miller, “What’s Your Rate of Return on Social Security?,”, Oct. 18, 2012
- Kathleen Romig, “Social Security: What Would Happen if the Trust Funds Ran Out?,” Congressional Research Service,, Apr. 25, 2008
- Martin Feldstein, “Private Accounts Can Save Social Security,”, May 2, 2011
- Stephen Moore, “Bold Deal for Social Security,”, May 12, 2000
- Peter Ferrara, “A Progressive Proposal for Social Security Private Accounts,” Institute for Policy Innovation website, June 13, 2003
- José Piñera, “How We Privatized Social Security in Chile,” July 1, 1997
- Social Security Administration, “About Us,” (accessed Aug. 17, 2015)
- Social Security Administration, “Organizational Structure of the Social Security Administration,” (accessed Aug. 17, 2015)
- Courtney Baird, “Diving into the Deficit,” Committee for Economic Development website, Nov. 6, 2014
- Office of Management and Budget, “Historical Tables,” (accessed Aug. 28, 2015)
- “Personal Finances: Social Security,” (accessed Aug. 17, 2015)
- Joseph E. Stiglitz et al., The Economists’ Voice: Top Economists Take on Today’s Problems, 2013
- Social Security Administration, “Social Security History: Supreme Court Case: Flemming vs. Nestor,” (accessed Aug. 17, 2015)
- Michael D. Tanner, “Is There a Right to Social Security?,”, Nov. 25, 1998
- George W. Bush, “Text of President Bush’s 2005 State of the Union Address,”, Feb 2, 2005
- President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security, “Strengthening Social Security and Creating Personal Wealth for All Americans,”, Dec. 21, 2001
- Joseph Friedman and Herbert E. Phillips, “The Portfolio Implications of Adding Social Security Private Account Options to Ongoing Investments,” Temple University website, Mar. 2010
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, “CPI Inflation Calculator,” (accessed Aug. 17, 2015)
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