“Could one of these Sequoia Kings come to town in all its godlike majesty so as to be strikingly seen and allowed to plead its own cause, there would never again be any lack of defenders.” - John Muir

There are giants in the isolated Sierra Nevada mountains of California—ancient red giants, the last of their kind. Although they were known for centuries by Native Americans, it wasn’t until the 1830s that the most-massive trees in the world, the giant sequoias, were “discovered” by white hunters. It took another 20 years for their existence to permeate the consciousness of the general public, and roads were soon erected to make access easier. One of the first trees to gain fame, the massive “Discovery Tree,” was felled just one year after it was identified. It took five men 22 days to saw through its 1,300-year-old trunk, and its stump was used as a dance floor. Although it was soon apparent that the lumber of these enormous organisms was inferior to other softwoods (the wood often would shatter when the heavy tree hit the ground), a number of old-growth trees were felled just to prove their existence, and samples were sold to museums around the world. Additionally, many loggers could not resist the allure and prestige of felling such massive trees, and the groves began to diminish.

John Muir, a passionate conservationist of wild lands, was one of the foremost defenders of the giant sequoias against their senseless destruction. He and his Sierra Club, which took the tree as its logo, advocated for the national parks and national forests that now protect the remaining stands, starting with Sequoia National Park in 1890. In 1906 Muir’s eloquence during a camping trip with Pres. Theodore Roosevelt led to the expansion of Yosemite National Park to protect the Mariposa Grove, and Sequoia National Forest was formed in 1908 to preserve many of the remaining groves. Public awareness of the plight and beauty of the majestic trees also grew, and in 1909 Roosevelt received a petition with more than one million signatures to save the vulnerable Calaveras Grove, which eventually became a state park in 1931. Today even young trees are not logged, and the world’s most-massive organisms (by volume) are once again free to grow old and enormous.