One of the iconic building types associated with the American South is the shotgun house. These homes, usually built in African American communities in the 19th and early 20th centuries, have often been overlooked as a part of America’s architectural history, but today they are appreciated for their simplicity, efficient use of space, and style. A classic shotgun house is a single-story frame house consisting of a narrow gabled front porch with three to five rooms laid out behind it in a straight line. Each room opens straight into the next room, so it was said that you could stand at the front door of such a house and fire a shotgun straight through to the back door—hence the name.

In New Orleans, where shotgun houses are believed to have originated and where they are still the most numerous type of historic building, it is common for the front facades to be richly decorated in a wide variety of architectural styles and for the exterior walls to be painted in bright colors.

Because shotgun houses were inexpensive to build and could be packed tightly on narrow plots of land, they became the most common type of dwelling in working-class African American communities in many cities in the South. The virtues and drawbacks of the design were closely linked. The necessity of passing through each room of the house to reach the other rooms encouraged family interaction and intimacy but also made privacy impossible. The same principle also applied to neighborhoods of shotgun houses: living close together fostered a strong sense of community but also required constant interaction between neighbors—for better or for worse.

The origin of the shotgun house is uncertain. For many years it was widely assumed that the long narrow design had been developed in New Orleans in the 19th century so that houses could be built on narrow plots of land. Recent scholarship, though, has begun to consider the possibility—proposed by the folklorist John Michael Vlach—that the American shotgun house actually reflects a much older architectural heritage that can be traced to communities of enslaved Africans in Haiti and that ultimately stretches back to West Africa.