Who doesn’t enjoy a good bowl of soup? Every country has multiple variations in its cuisine. In fact, soup has been around as long as we’ve had vessels that could contain hot liquid. Soup developed as a way to increase the quantity of food if only a small amount was available or to draw nourishment from otherwise unusable meat or bones. Now many soups are a delicacy or a seasonal treat. Get your bowls ready: here are nine stimulating soups from around the world.
Fanesca—from Ecuador
© ecuadorquerido/Fotolia Fanesca is the Ecuadoran dish. This codfish-based soup is enjoyed exclusively during Holy Week in this overwhelmingly Roman Catholic country. The soup itself is symbolic: many Ecuadorans say that authentic fanesca should have 12 different grains, one for each of the Twelve Apostles. The codfish itself is said to represent Jesus Christ. The milk, pumpkin seeds, onions, nuts, and other ingredients don’t necessarily have a Catholic analogy, but they do develop the earthy flavors of this hearty soup. Fanesca is often served with empanadas, fried plantains, and hard-boiled-egg slices. Come Good Friday, you can find fanesca in nearly every Ecuadoran home.
Butajiru—from Japan
miso soupTraditional japanese "miso soup."© sumire8/Shutterstock.comThe Japanese have more than miso soup to turn to when their soup craving strikes. A hearty favorite is butajiru, also called tonjiru, which is a pork soup. The main players in this brothy soup are thin slices of pork (often pork belly), dashi stock, miso, and veggies like burdock root, radishes, carrots, and green onions. It’s a mainstay dish during the cold winter months in Japan.
Bouillabaisse—from France
Stu Spivack Like many beloved dishes, bouillabaisse came from humble beginnings. Fishermen from Marseille would keep the bony rockfish after selling the rest of their daily catch to fishmongers, rockfish being almost unsellable. They would bring the rockfish home and prepare a seafood stew. Nowadays, “true” bouillabaisse must contain at least four types of Mediterranean fish, in addition to onions, tomatoes, garlic, parsley, saffron, fennel, and thyme. The most important step in cooking bouillabaisse is the boil: the fish and ingredients must be cooked in a rapid boil. Traditionally, bouillabaisse is served in two dishes: one for the fish and one for the broth.
Borsch—from Slavic Countries
Kelly Sue DeConnick Borsch, borscht, borsht, bortsch. Regardless of the spelling, borsch remains a favorite eat in Slavic countries. Its most-recognizable feature is its red color, thanks to its juicy red beets. Thought to have been invented in Ukraine, borsch was originally made with cow parsnips—and yes, cow parsnips taste about as good as they sound. The Ukrainians kept the “cow” part of the cow parsnip, making the soup with beef and root vegetables. Kvass—sour beer or a concoction of fermented beets—is added to balance out the sweetness of the fresh beets. Borsch can be enjoyed hot or cold and is often served with a dollop of sour cream.
Shark Fin Soup—from China or Hong Kong
Alpha A special occasion in Hong Kong or China calls for one dish in particular: shark fin soup. This soup is a delicacy, often costing upward of $100 in high-end restaurants. Yet, there’s a huge problem with the dish: finning, which is the practice of catching sharks for their fins and often discarding the finless sharks back into the water. Finning has taken a real toll on the shark population, accounting for over 70 million shark deaths each year. To top it all off, the shark fin adds only texture to the soup; chefs and eaters recognize that all the flavor comes from the broth. Is it even worth a taste?
Avgolemono Soup—from Greece
© Fanfo/Fotolia Avgolemono is an archetypal flavor in Greek cuisine. The egg-lemon combination is used in sauces and—you guessed it—soups! Also called egg-lemon soup in English-speaking countries, the dish is often made with chicken and a grain such as orzo or rice. The hardest part of making avgolemono soup is dealing with the eggs: they must be beat until very foamy and must slowly adjust to the broth’s temperature before being added to the soup. While Greece takes the credit for avgolemono soup and sauces, some historians believe that Sephardic Jews were the real inventors. The egg-lemon flavor combination can also be found in Middle Eastern and other European countries.
Harira—from Morocco
After a day of fasting during Ramadan, Moroccans look forward to their bowl of harira during the iftar, the breaking of the fast. Harira is a hearty lamb and tomato stew. The flavors and exact ingredients of the soup vary from region to region if not from household to household but generally include lentils, chickpeas, onions, coriander, and spices like turmeric, cumin, and paprika. Harira is especially good when served with dates or chebakia (sesame and honey cookies). While Moroccans claim harira as their own, versions of the soup can also be found in Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.
Mulligatawny Soup—from England and India
© Fanfo/Fotolia Mulligatawny soup is of English origin, but we can definitely trace its roots back to India. Originally from the 18th century and most likely a corrupted version of West Indian “pepper water,” mulligatawny is a spicy curry soup with chicken or mutton, onions, and a lot of stock. Vegetarian versions of the soup can be pretty heavy on the lentils and veggies. How did this Anglo-Indian dish come to be? It may have something to do with the English people’s dedication to multicourse meals. One historian claims that the English, when colonizing India, invented this soup out of their strong desire for a separate soup course.
Menudo—from Mexico
You may have heard that menudo is an effective hangover cure. Not to be confused with the Puerto Rican boy band of the same name that dominated the ’80s pop scene, menudo is a Mexican soup made with slow-cooked tripe and fat hominy kernels. It’s super spicy and a labor of love to make, taking as long as six hours. Menudo is loaded with flavor from ingredients like cumin, oregano, spicy chili peppers, black pepper, and garlic. Expert menudo makers recommend at least one honeycomb tripe for the ultimate flavor.