The infographic presents an overview of World War I, also called the Great War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918. As the main map shows, this international conflict embroiled most of Europe along with the Middle East and other regions around the world. It pitted the Central Powers—mainly GermanyAustria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire (whose core would become present-day Turkey)—against the Allies—mainly France, the British Empire, Russia, and Italy. In 1917 the United States entered the war as an associate of the Allies. World War I ended with the defeat of the Central Powers. As shown in graphs of casualties suffered by major combatant countries, the war was virtually unprecedented in its carnage. What’s more, it led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties—the Romanovs in Russia, the Hohenzollerns in Germany, the Habsburgs in Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman sultans—which, as the infographic shows, resulted in a dramatic redrawing of the map of Europe.

Onset of war

As the infographic notes, the First World War was sparked by an act of political terrorism. On June 28, 1914, the archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was shot dead in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb nationalist. Princip, like other members of the Serbian-based secret society called the Black Hand, wanted to destroy Austro-Hungarian rule in the Balkans and to unite the South Slav peoples in a federation dominated by Serbia. Francis Ferdinand had been the one man who Slav radicals feared might pacify the nationalities within Austria-Hungary by permitting them political autonomy, thus frustrating the Black Hand’s dreams of a Greater Serbia. As shown on a small map, Sarajevo was the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was then a crown land of Austria-Hungary west of Serbia. Princip’s act gave Austria-Hungary the excuse it had been seeking for opening hostilities against its nettlesome neighbor Serbia, and so began World War I.

War firsts

The World War I stimulated many innovations, including advances not only in military technology and tactics but also in manufacturing, communications, and medicine. The infographic lists some of the most important innovations of the war: chemical warfare, the gas mask, the flamethrower, the steel helmet, tank warfare, aerial warfare, the aircraft carrier, the IQ test, the guide dog, transfusion of universal-donor stored blood (which would lead to blood banking), military enlistment of women, the propaganda film, use of X-rays to guide military surgery, and radio communication.

The war to end all wars

The infographic features a world map showing the countries and territories of the Allies and associated powers in pink and those of the Central Powers in green. In doing so, it underscores the international scope of the conflict.

Among the Allies were the British Empire (including Great Britain and Ireland, South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand, and Canada), France and its extensive colonies in Africa and Southeast Asia, Italy, the Russian Empire, and Japan. Eventually, the United States entered the war as an associate of the Allies. Among the Central Powers were Germany and Austria-Hungary, which dominated central and south-central Europe, and the Ottoman Empire, which controlled much of the Middle East.

On the world map are two inset maps showing the primary theaters of operations in World War I: the Western Front and the Eastern Front. On the Western Front, by November 1914 the Allies and the Germans had fought to a standstill along a continuous line of trenches running from the Belgian coast on the North Sea through northeastern France to neutral Switzerland. On the Eastern Front, in December 1917, when Soviet Russia began peace negotiations with the Central Powers, the line separating the two sides ran from the Russian coast on the Gulf of Riga through what is now Belarus to the Romanian coast on the Black Sea.

Timeline of major events

The infographic provides a timeline of major events related to World War I.

On June 28, 1914, the Austrian archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated by a Bosnian Serb nationalist. The resulting local crisis between Austria-Hungary and Serbia will rapidly engulf nearly all the powers of Europe by drawing two great alliance systems into mortal combat.

On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declares war against Serbia. The following day Austro-Hungarian artillery will begin to bombard the Serbian capital, Belgrade, which will prove to be the opening salvo of World War I.

On September 6, 1914, the First Battle of the Marne develops as French forces strike back against the initial German advance through northeastern France. Within a few days the British Expeditionary Force will have helped the French throw the Germans back, and the trench warfare that will typify the Western Front for the next three years will have begun.

On April 22, 1915, poison gas is first used in combat on the Western Front. It is released by German forces toward the French forces opposite them during the Second Battle of Ypres in western Belgium. The greenish yellow chlorine haze sends the French staggering back, producing a wide gap in their defenses, but the Germans lack reinforcements to fully exploit it.

On May 7, 1915, a German U-boat sinks the Lusitania, a British ocean liner on its way from New York City to Liverpool, England. Though the ship was carrying tons of ammunition, it was also carrying nearly 2,000 civilian passengers, more than a thousand of whom drown, including more than a hundred U.S. citizens. The sinking will arouse a wave of indignation among Americans that will indirectly contribute to the United States’ entering the war against Germany.

From February 26 to December 18, 1916, the Battle of Verdun unfolds as one of the longest, bloodiest, and most ferocious engagements of the war. French forces eventually repulse a major German offensive against the fortress system of Verdun in northeastern France.

From May 31 to June 1, 1916, the Battle of Jutland is fought in the North Sea off the west coast of Jutland, the continental portion of Denmark. The battle is the only major encounter between the main British and German fleets in World War I. Though the British fleet suffers heavier losses than the German fleet, its numerical superiority remains such that it will continue to dominate the seas for the rest of the war.

On October 24, 1917, the Bolsheviks, professional Marxist revolutionaries led by Vladimir Lenin, overthrow the Provisional Government of Russia. They will quickly seek to negotiate peace with the Central Powers so they can consolidate their power.

On April 2, 1917, the United States declares war on Germany. It does so in part because it has learned from British intelligence of secret German plans to renew submarine warfare against all merchant and passenger ships within a self-declared war zone and to form an alliance with Mexico and Japan if the United States declares war on Germany.

On March 3, 1918, at Brest-Litovsk (which is now in Belarus), Soviet Russia signs a peace treaty with the Central Powers and leaves World War I. By the terms of the treaty, Russia loses Ukraine, most of what is now Belarus, its Polish and Baltic territories, and Finland, though it will recover Ukraine soon after the war. Russia’s withdrawal from the conflict enables Germany to transfer many of its troops to the Western Front.

On August 8, 1918, British and French forces launch an offensive against German forces in the Amiens region of northern France—the first of a string of Allied offensive successes on the Western Front that will lead to the collapse of the German army and the end of the war.

On November 11, 1918, Germany signs the armistice document that effectively ends hostilities in World War I.

Casualties of major countries involved

The number of casualties suffered in World War I dwarfed those of previous wars: some 8,500,000 combatants lost their lives, and another 21,000,000 were wounded. Most of the wounds were inflicted by artillery. Due to the scale and indiscriminateness of the slaughter—and to the political instability of some warring countries and empires—accurate casualty figures will likely never be compiled. That being so, the casualty statistics presented in the infographic are based on the best estimates available.

The casualties suffered by major countries among the Allies are shown in shades of red, and those among the Central Powers in shades of green. For each country, and for the Allies and the Central Powers overall, doughnut graphs show the proportions of total mobilized forces that died, were wounded, or were taken prisoner or went missing. At the center of each graph is the overall percentage of mobilized forces that became casualties.


According to the infographic, of all the forces mobilized by the Allies and associated powers, 52 percent became casualties. Russia suffered the highest proportion—76 percent—followed by France, with 73 percent; Romania, with 71 percent; Serbia, with 47 percent; Italy, with 39 percent; the British Empire, with 36 percent; Belgium, with 35 percent; and the United States, with 8 percent.

Central Powers

Of all the forces mobilized by the Central Powers, 67 percent became casualties. Austria-Hungary suffered the highest proportion by far—90 percent—followed by Germany, with 65 percent; the Ottoman Empire, with 34 percent; and Bulgaria, with 22 percent.

Europe before and after

To suggest how dramatically World War I reshaped Europe, the infographic juxtaposes two maps of the continent—one showing the international boundaries as they stood in 1914 just before the war broke out, the other showing how Europe was reorganized after the war, mainly according to international treaties resulting from the Paris Peace Conference of 1919–20.

By the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany’s population and territory were reduced by about 10 percent. In the west, Germany was forced to return Alsace-Lorraine to France, and Germany’s Saarland was placed under international supervision. In the north, Germany had to give up three small areas to Belgium and return northern Schleswig to Denmark. In the east, Germany had to relinquish to a newly reconstituted Poland part of Upper Silesia, most of West Prussia, and most of the province of Posen, or Poznań—the latter two areas giving Poland a corridor to the Baltic Sea and separating East Prussia from the rest of Germany.

By the terms of the Treaty of Neuilly, the Allies forced Bulgaria to relinquish its western territories to the newly constituted Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later renamed Yugoslavia) and nearly all of Western Thrace to Greece, which cut Bulgaria off from the Aegean Sea.

By the terms of the Treaty of Saint-Germain, the breakup of Austria-Hungary was officially registered. The treaty recognized the independence of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. The latter consisted of the former Austro-Hungarian lands of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina along with the previously independent kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro.

By the terms of the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary was shorn of at least two-thirds of its former territory and two-thirds of its inhabitants, which it gave up to Czechoslovakia; Austria; the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes; Romania; and Italy.

Having fought on the winning side in the war, Romania doubled in size, acquiring land and inhabitants from Hungary, Austria, Russia, and Bulgaria. From Austria-Hungary, Italy gained the regions of Italian-speaking Trentino and German-speaking South Tirol, part of Slovene-speaking Gorizia, and both the multiethnic port of Trieste and the partly Croatian-speaking peninsula of Istria on the Adriatic Sea.

Poland’s eastern border was not established until 1921, when two years of war between that country and Soviet Russia formally ended with the signing of the Peace of Riga. That treaty set the border between Poland and the Soviet republics of Russia, Belorussia (now Belarus), and Ukraine only slightly east of the 1793 Polish-Russian border. Still, less than 15 percent of the five million people transferred to Polish sovereignty were ethnically Polish, and tens of thousands of ethnic Poles were left in Soviet territory.

The postwar reorganization of Europe was intended to help restore political stability to the continent, in part by applying the principle that each nationality should form a state that included all members of that nationality. Where borders were disputed, local populations were to vote on which country their region should go to. However, the final peace settlements often ignored the principles of nationality and self-determination. Consequently, all the new governments in east-central Europe faced aggrieved ethnic minorities—not to mention the challenges of state-building with no democratic tradition or financial resources of their own. Disputed borders, ethnic tensions, and local ambitions hampered economic and diplomatic cooperation among the successor states and would make them easy prey to a resurgent Germany or Russia or both. World War I was not to be “the war to end all wars,” as many had hoped. It resulted, at best, in an uneasy truce that in just 20 years would give way to an even more convulsive conflict—World War II.