In April 1947 William Faulkner was invited to visit the University of Mississippi. While conducting a question-and-answer session in a creative writing class, Faulkner was asked to name “the five most important contemporary writers.” He listed (in order) American novelists Thomas Wolfe, John Dos Passos, Ernest Hemingway, Willa Cather, and John Steinbeck. When asked to rank himself among his contemporaries, Faulkner responded:

1. Thomas Wolfe: he had much courage and wrote as if he didn’t have long to live; 2. William Faulkner; 3. Dos Passos; 4. Ernest Hemingway: he has no courage, has never crawled out on a limb. He has never been known to use a word that might cause the reader to check with a dictionary to see if it is properly used; 5. John Steinbeck: at one time I had great hopes for him—now I don’t know.

Notably, Faulkner placed himself first among living writers. At the time of the ranking, Wolfe had been dead for almost nine years. Faulkner’s remarks were eventually transcribed and published. Marvin Black, the public relations director for the University of Mississippi, wrote a press release summarizing his comments, including his claim that Hemingway “has no courage, has never crawled out on a limb.” Black’s press release ran in the New York Herald Tribune in May 1947.

It is unclear whether Faulkner intended his comments to be provocative. (He had, after all, been told that students would not be allowed to take notes and that professors would not be present during the question-and-answer session.) Regardless, the hypercompetitive Hemingway could not or would not let them go. Hemingway—responding to a paraphrased version of Faulkner’s comments—reportedly replied:

Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.

He went on to insinuate that Faulkner was an alcoholic whose talent had, as of late, been lost in “the sauce.”

This bitter exchange was neither the beginning nor the end of the Faulkner-Hemingway feud. Their relationship of 30-plus years was characterized by competition, comparison, and criticism. Although they admitted their respect for one another, they were hesitant to offer praise. For most of their relationship, Faulkner and Hemingway did not communicate directly. In fact, they may have met only once, sometime between November 14, 1931, and July 4, 1952. (A Herald Tribune article published on November 14, 1931, insisted that Faulkner had never met Hemingway. Some 20 years later, Hemingway alluded to a sole meeting with Faulkner.) The authors traded commentary mostly indirectly, through other writers and critics. Between 1945 and 1949, Hemingway mentioned Faulkner in at least three letters to literary historian Malcolm Cowley. In a letter dated to October 17, 1945, Hemingway suggested that Faulkner lacked artistic discipline and expressed a desire to “train” him. He wrote, “[Faulkner] has the most talent of anybody and he just needs a sort of conscience that isn’t there.…But he will write absolutely perfectly straight and then go on and on and not be able to end it.”

Faulkner also wrote about Hemingway. When a senior editor at the publisher Random House suggested that Hemingway write the introduction to The Portable Faulkner (1946), Faulkner expressed his disapproval. In a letter to the editor, he wrote, “I am opposed to asking Hemingway to write the preface. It seems to me in bad taste to ask him to write a preface to my stuff. It’s like asking one race horse in the middle of a race to broadcast a blurb on another horse in the same running field.” In the end, Cowley wrote the introduction.

After Faulkner’s remarks appeared in the Herald Tribune in May 1947, the authors briefly exchanged letters. Faulkner clarified that he did not question Hemingway’s courage as a man—only as an artist. He told “Brother H” that it was “one of those trivial things you throw off just talking, a nebulous idea of no value anyway, that you test by saying it.” In his responses, Hemingway apologized for his reaction and indicated that he would be open to more of Faulkner’s constructive criticism. Although his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) would “probably bore” Faulkner to reread, Hemingway wrote, he wanted to know what Faulkner thought of it, “as [a] brother.” He asked that they “keep on writing.”

Faulkner and Hemingway did not continue corresponding. The Herald Tribune incident marked the beginning of what was by far the tensest period in their relationship. From 1947 to the mid-1950s, Faulkner and Hemingway were engaged in a tight battle for literary prestige. In 1949 Faulkner won the Nobel Prize in Literature for “his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel.” Hemingway followed suit with a Nobel Prize of his own in 1954, for “his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style.” In 1953 Hemingway won a Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea (1952). Two years later Faulkner was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for A Fable (1954).

Their rivalry continued until Hemingway’s death on July 2, 1961. (Notably, Faulkner died almost exactly a year later, on July 6, 1962.) For better or worse, Faulkner never retracted his statements at the University of Mississippi. As he told Hemingway, he regretted that they had been publicized and “misquoted,” but he maintained that he was the best living writer in the mid-20th century.