Gunshots rang out on the afternoon of September 2, 1885, in Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory. Home to hundreds of Chinese coal miners who had come to the United States for work, the settlement’s Chinatown was facing impending bloodshed. After a morning of violence against Chinese workers in one of the nearby mines, more than a hundred white men armed with guns and other weapons had surrounded the neighborhood.

Tensions between Chinese and white coal miners in Rock Springs had been growing for a long time. White miners, organized under the Knights of Labor union, sought to improve workers’ conditions through unionizing and striking against the giant Union Pacific Railroad Company. Fed up with the company’s proposals to cut pay and its requirement that miners buy necessities at its overpriced stores, the Knights of Labor demanded negotiations with the miners’ employers. The union represented the will of oppressed workers, but it also represented a racist sentiment: the Knights of Labor argued that a large part of the miners’ problems was being caused by an influx of Chinese immigrants who were willing to work for less pay than white workers. When the Chinese workers at Rock Springs refused to strike with the white miners, tensions between the groups reached a breaking point. After returning from the mines to their homes to retrieve their weapons, white men, as well as women, stormed Chinatown that September afternoon. Their violent crusade, now known as the Rock Springs Massacre, resulted in the deaths of 28 Chinese people and the injury of 15, making it one of the bloodiest racially motivated massacres against Chinese immigrants in America.

What happened at Rock Springs was symptomatic of much wider racist sentiment in the United States at the time. Anti-Chinese views had existed since the first major waves of Chinese workers had arrived in North America to build the transcontinental railroad. Such workers represented a relatively cheap source of labour willing to work in dangerous conditions, and they soon replaced many of their white counterparts. In fact, the racist expression “not a Chinaman’s chance” is believed to derive from the dangerous working conditions Chinese workers typically found themselves in, such as being lowered along cliff faces to detonate explosives. The increase in Chinese workers caused discontent among white Americans, who pushed for discriminatory legislation such as California’s so-called Anti-Coolie Act of 1862, which required Chinese immigrants to pay a monthly tax in order to work in the state. Racist sentiments were heightened when the transcontinental railroad was completed and Chinese immigrants began taking jobs in other industries, such as coal mining. At the height of white Americans’ animosity toward Chinese immigrants, the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. It banned Chinese workers from entering the United States, making it the country’s first federal legislation to suspend immigration on the basis of a specific nationality.

What’s more, systematic discrimination against Chinese immigrants made it impossible for them to find justice in the American legal system. In the aftermath of the Rock Springs Massacre, none of the white aggressors was charged with a crime, because no witnesses had testified against them. The Chinese miners who had escaped the massacre relocated temporarily to Evanston and demanded back pay and railroad tickets to leave Wyoming Territory. While they were later reimbursed for their losses by Congress, the miners were never granted their two requests. After they were told that a train would take them to San Francisco, they found out they had been lied to: instead, the train took them back to Rock Springs, where Union Pacific management hoped they would resume work in the mines.

While news of the Rock Springs Massacre led many in the United States to condemn the actions of white people in the town, it also inspired violent anti-Chinese demonstrations elsewhere. Emboldened by what had happened in Rock Springs, white workers across the West Coast began violently driving Chinese immigrants from communities.

Throughout American history, Asian Americans and Asian immigrants have faced polarized reactions from white Americans. Initially favoured by corporations in the 19th century for providing cheap labour, Chinese workers were murdered when they became competition for white workers. By the late 20th century, however, Asian Americans had become the face of the “model minority”—the problematic perception that they had overcome marginalization through hard work—yet this shift had happened not long after Japanese Americans were put into internment camps, despite being American citizens, during World War II. What has driven such reactions is racism—a belief among white Americans that people of colour are inferior and should be treated accordingly. Racism has placed Asian Americans and others at the mercy of white mobs, whether it's taken the form of mocking an accent, voting for discriminatory federal legislation, or murdering mine workers while trying to eradicate an entire neighbourhood.