Alfred’s avid dedication to learning defined the years of his reign as king of Wessex following his victory at Edington in 878, after which he sought to improve his own knowledge and promote educational reform in his kingdom. Although he had displayed a desire for learning in his youth, he was unable to commit himself to these interests until later in his life. His unexpected accession to the throne foisted heavy military responsibilities upon him, and the early years of his reign were consumed by repelling ruthless Danish assaults. During an interlude in these invasions (878–885), however, Alfred began to assemble a court of scholars in order to remedy the illiteracy and lack of learning that he observed in England at large. In Alfred’s mind, learning was essential to his kingdom because it resulted in the acquisition of wisdom. The king considered this wisdom not a simple knowledge of law and letters but an understanding of how to live according to God’s principles; moreover, he believed that such wisdom was necessary for the proper execution of justice in his realm.

The scholars Alfred invited to his court were largely from abroad, notably two from the Carolingian realm, which had recently enjoyed its own cultural renaissance. These scholars assisted Alfred in learning Latin so that he could translate Latin books into English (a project that they likewise took part in) for the benefit of his subjects, who by his day had for the most part lost all knowledge of the Latin language. Alfred translated such books as he believed were “most necessary for all men to know,” including Pope Gregory’s Pastoral Care, St. Augustine’s Soliloquies, and Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy. Many of these contain Alfred’s own meditations on the meaning of kingship.

As many in his kingdom were illiterate even in their native tongue, Alfred also established a school at court where freedmen of adequate means (not only noblemen) could learn to read. While literacy in English was meant to serve as a foundation for learning Latin, Alfred’s educational system had the effect of elevating the vernacular, allowing English to become a language of prose literature.