When most people think of ice ages, or “glacial ages,” they often envision cavemen, woolly mammoths, and vast plains of ice—such as those that occurred during the Pleistocene (about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago) or the late Carboniferous and early Permian periods (about 300 million years ago). During these parts of Earth’s past, mile-high ice sheets covered large parts of continents, and their presence affected the weather and climate throughout the world. In fact, during one prehistoric period, the Cryogenian (which spanned roughly 720 million to 635 million years ago), there is evidence to support the notion that the whole planet was either locked in ice or possibly covered in ice with only a thin film of slush near the Equator. Think present-day Europa or Enceladus. What about the relatively recent “Little Ice Age”? Was it a true glacial age? Yes and no.

Of course, the severity of the Little Ice Age, which lasted from the early 14th century through the mid-19th century, was not a deep freeze like the long ice ages of the ancient past. After all, human civilization thrived and expanded during the Little Ice Age, as several civilizations sent ships to explore, colonize, and exploit new lands. 

Nevertheless, images depicted in paintings, data from ships’ logs and scientific reports of the time, and other historical writings have shown that many parts of Europe experienced cooler than normal conditions during this time. Since the people of the time did not keep accurate weather records (to the extent that we do now), present-day scientists looking to understand the climate of the Little Ice Age have relied on proxy records—that is, indirect sources of climatic information (such as coral growth, cores of lake sediments, ice cores, and annual rings in trees)—to better understand the regional and global climates of the time. Proxy records showed that mountain glaciers grew during the Little Ice Age at several locations—including the European Alps, New Zealand, Alaska, and the southern Andes—and mean annual temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere fell by 0.6 °C (1.1 °F) relative to the average temperature between 1000 and 2000 CE. Proxy records collected from western Greenland, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and western North America point to several cool episodes, lasting several decades each, when temperatures dropped 1 to 2 °C (1.8 to 3.6 °F) below the thousand-year averages for those areas. These regional temperature declines, however, rarely occurred at the same time. In addition, temperatures of other regions (such as in eastern China and in the Andes Mountains of South America) were fairly stable, while still other regions (such as southern Europe, North America’s Mississippi Valley, and parts of Africa and Asia) became drier, with droughts lasting several years at a time.  

So what caused the Little Ice Age? It was likely a combination of factors that included long periods of low sunspot activity (which reduced the amount of solar energy that reached Earth), the effects of explosive volcanic eruptions, and drastic changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (the irregular fluctuation of atmospheric pressure over the North Atlantic Ocean).

Although the Little Ice Age was not a formal ice age, one could certainly argue that it was a significant phenomenon associated with a variety of climatic changes affecting many disparate parts of the world. Earth’s climate changes often through time, so this cool 450-year slice of Earth’s history was not the only one of its kind. There have been warm intervals too. One example is the recent warming (caused by a mix of natural factors and human activities) that began after the Little Ice Age ended and continues to this day. Another example is the highly controversial medieval warm period—another time of relative warmth—which, according to some scientists, lasted from 900 to 1300 CE. Unlike the Little Ice Age and the recent period of warming, however, there is a great deal of disagreement with respect to the reach of the medieval warm period or whether it even happened at all.