Throughout his childhood Sir Walter Scott read extensively in a variety of genres, including poetry, history, drama, and medieval romance. He continued to read widely after he began to study law, and he became interested in German Romanticism and Gothic novels. Above all, however, he was intrigued by the history and culture of his native country, Scotland, an obsession that manifested itself at an early age.

In his childhood Scott loved to listen to stories from his elderly relatives about the Scottish Border, and he also enjoyed exploring the countryside around Edinburgh. He developed an appreciation for his country’s natural beauty and history. In his 20s he became interested in Scottish border ballads and he eventually produced a three-volume anthology entitled Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, a collection of border ballads that he had “restored” from orally corrupted versions. His antiquarian interest in his country’s history also contributed to his later career as a novelist. In the early 19th century he published several novels set in historical Scotland, part of the series that came to be known as The Waverley Novels. It is here that Scott’s skill as a social historian is most palpable. He shows himself to be an acute observer of the manners, dialects, and customs of his country, with an understanding of the whole range of Scottish society, from beggars to nobility.