If you’ve ever watched Looney Tunes, you may have noticed that the words bunny (which typically refers to young rabbits), rabbit (or wabbit, as spoken by Elmer Fudd), and hare (as shown in various clever episode titles) all referred to Bugs Bunny. While this was likely done to serve the stories, the haphazard interchanging of the different terms probably led many people who grew up with the show to believe that all rabbits are hares and vice versa. In reality, rabbits and hares are different. The common names of some species also contribute to this confusion. Jackrabbits, for instance, are actually hares, whereas rockhares and hispid hares are rabbits. So, how do we actually tell the difference between the two groups?

Separating the two can be done by looking at the differences in size, life history, and preferred habitat. In general, rabbits are smaller and have shorter ears than hares. They are born without fur and with closed eyes after a gestation period of 30–31 days. Rabbits prefer to hide, rather than run, from their enemies. They prefer habitats composed of trees and shrubs, where they live in burrows dug into the soil. Hares, in contrast, are larger, and they are born fully developed with fur and opened eyes after a gestation period ofabout 42 days. They are runners, preferring open-area habitats such as prairies, where they make their nests in small open depressions.