Declaration of Independence Timeline
British parliamentary measures, known as the Townshend Acts, are passed to tax the American colonists. The acts impose duties on imports of lead, paint, glass, paper, and tea and establish a board of customs commissioners to enforce collection. The colonists protest the new measures as taxation without representation and resist compliance.
The British Parliament passes the Tea Act. This legislation gives a tea monopoly in the American colonies to the British East India Company. It adjusts duty regulations to allow the company to sell its large tea surplus below prices charged by colonial competitors. The act is opposed by colonists as another example of taxation without representation. Resistance to the act results in the incident known as the Boston Tea Party (December 16), in which American patriots, disguised as Mohawk Indians, throw 342 chests of tea from British ships into the Boston Harbor.
Intolerable ActsBritish ships guard Boston Harbor in 1774. One of the Intolerable Acts, passed by Parliament that year, closed the harbor to punish American colonists for acts of defiance.
© North Wind Picture Archives/AlamyApril 19, 1775
Battles of Lexington and ConcordBritish troops fire at a line of minutemen during the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775.
© 1903 John H. Daniels & Son, Boston/ Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (pga-00995)May 10, 1775
The Second Continental Congress begins meeting. The Congress later appoints George Washington commander in chief of the Continental Army.
June 17, 1775
The Battle of Bunker Hill takes place. The battle is part of an American siege of British-held Boston. British troops eventually clear the hill of the entrenched Americans, but at the cost of more than 40 percent of the assault force. The battle is a moral victory for the Americans.
January 1776
June 7, 1776
Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee formally suggests that the colonies declare independence from Britain. The Continental Congress later appoints a committee to write the formal document declaring independence. Thomas Jefferson will write the first draft.
June 28, 1776
The committee presents its final draft to the Congress, which later debates the document. The most heated debate is over the issue of slavery. In the list of charges against George III, Jefferson had attacked the king for his role in the slave trade. Representatives from slaveholding Southern colonies refuse to accept the clause containing this criticism. Some New England delegates representing merchants who profit from the slave trade also object. The issue threatens to divide the colonies at a time when unity is crucial. To ensure support of all the colonies for the Declaration and the war for independence, the delegates drop the clause.
July 2, 1776
Learn how the Declaration of Independence was drafted, reviewed by the Continental Congress, and adoptedThis video dramatizes the events surrounding the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.July 4, 1776
The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence. An official copy of the Declaration is written out on parchment. This formal document is signed on August 2 by members of the Congress present on that date. Those who were absent signed later.
Declaration of Independence Key Facts
Declaration of Independence | Key Facts
Declaration of Independence Causes and Effects
Declaration of Independence | Causes & Effects