Jupiter, Fifth planet from the Sun, the largest nonstellar object in the solar system. It has 318 times the mass and more than 1,400 times the volume of Earth. Its enormous mass gives it nearly 2.5 times the gravity of Earth (measured at the top of Jupiter’s atmosphere), and it exerts strong effects on other members of the solar system. It is responsible for the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt and changes in the orbits of comets; it may act as a “sweeper,” pulling in bodies that might otherwise collide with other planets. Jupiter has more than 90 identified moons. It has a diffuse ring system that was discovered in 1979 by the Voyager spacecraft. Jupiter is a gas giant, composed mainly of hydrogen and helium in proportions near those of the Sun, which it orbits every 11.9 years at an average distance of 483 million mi (778 million km). Its rapid rotation (9 hr 55.5 min) acts on electric currents to give it the largest magnetic field of any of the planets and causes intense storms, including one that has lasted hundreds of years (the Great Red Spot). Little is known of its interior, but it is presumed to have a deep layer of metallic hydrogen and a dense core. Its central temperature is estimated to be 45,000 °F (25,000 °C); it radiates twice as much heat as it receives from the Sun, probably largely heat left over from its formation.
Jupiter summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Jupiter.
JupiterJupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun and largest planet in the solar system. The Great Red Spot is visible in the lower left. This image is based on observations made by the Voyager 1 spacecraft in 1979.
solar system Summary
Solar system, assemblage consisting of the Sun—an average star in the Milky Way Galaxy—and those bodies orbiting around it: 8 (formerly 9) planets with more than 400 known planetary satellites (moons); many asteroids, some with their own satellites; comets and other icy bodies; and vast reaches of
Sun Summary
Sun, star around which Earth and the other components of the solar system revolve. It is the dominant body of the system, constituting more than 99 percent of its entire mass. The Sun is the source of an enormous amount of energy, a portion of which provides Earth with the light and heat necessary
planet Summary
Planet, (from Greek planētes, “wanderers”), broadly, any relatively large natural body that revolves in an orbit around the Sun or around some other star and that is not radiating energy from internal nuclear fusion reactions. In addition to the above description, some scientists impose additional
Galileo Summary
Galileo was an Italian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. His formulation of (circular) inertia, the law of falling bodies, and