Martin Luther Article
Martin Luther’s Achievements
Martin Luther was one of the most important religious thinkers of his millennium. The split of Western Christianity into Protestants and Catholics happened partly because of his writings and teachings. He also popularized the notion that the Bible should be published in the language that everyday people spoke. Before Luther, the commonly used Latin Bible had to be translated by the priests for ordinary people. In addition, Luther believed that priests, monks, and ministers should be allowed to marry. This contradicted Christian teachings of that time. To Luther, the Bible should be the only source of spiritual authority. He opposed giving spiritual authority to tradition, the pope, or any other political or religious leader, including himself.
The Ninety-five Theses (1517)
A thesis is an argument or statement. Luther wrote these theses after another religious leader was reported to have preached that if people made payments to the church, then God would forgive their sins. This practice was known as the selling of indulgences. In the Ninety-five Theses Luther objected to the selling of indulgences. He also suggested that because the pope was rich, perhaps he should not collect money from poor people. In previous centuries Luther’s writings might never have become widely available. However, the invention of the printing press meant that books and ideas traveled further. Printed copies of the Ninety-five Theses began to circulate. Protestants considered publication of the Ninety-five Theses to be the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. This was a religious revolution in which Western Christianity split into Roman Catholics and Protestants. (The Eastern and Western branches of Christianity had already split in 1054.)
Against the Execrable Bull of the Antichrist (1520)
Execrable means horrible or disgusting. A bull is an official document from a pope. An Antichrist can mean someone who opposes Jesus Christ, or it can refer to a horrific power that fills the world with evil. Pope Leo X published a bull in which he threatened to excommunicate Luther. In other words, the pope said he might throw Luther out of the church. Luther would be an outlaw, at risk of being captured and burned alive. Luther wrote that the bull might not actually have come from the pope, but if it had, then the pope was under the power of the Antichrist. Luther said the bull was worthless because its power came only from itself rather than being based on teachings in the Bible. In contrast, Luther said, “I back up all my assertions from the Bible…It is better than I should die a thousand times than that I should retract one syllable” of what he had written. In 1521 the pope excommunicated Luther. A local ruler protected and hid him, preventing his execution.
New Testament in German (1522)
The New Testament is the second component of the Christian Bible and describes the life and teachings of Jesus. While Luther was in hiding he translated it into German. People longed to read the Bible for themselves, and when Luther’s German-language Bible appeared, people bought about 5,000 copies in the first two months.
Admonition to Peace Concerning the Twelve Articles of the Peasants (1525)
The Peasants’ War began in 1524. Ordinary poor people had been paying heavy taxes to support the nobles and priests. Luther’s statement, “A Christian is a free lord over all things and subject to none,” inspired them. The peasants wanted lower taxes and the right to elect their own priests. In the Admonition to Peace, Luther was sympathetic to the peasants, calling their rulers “arrogant.”
Against the Murderous and Robbing Hordes of the Peasants (1525)
After Luther wrote Admonition to Peace, a group of peasants murdered a count and his escort. This event changed Luther’s view of the peasants entirely. He wrote Against the Murderous and Robbing Hordes, which suggested that rulers should fight back against peasants and stop the revolt. “They must be sliced, choked, stabbed, secretly and publicly, by those who can, like one must kill a rabid dog,” Luther insisted. Luther believed that Christians were free spiritually but should obey their local rulers.
Articles of Schwabach (1529)
A local ruler named John the Steadfast wanted the different Protestant reform efforts to unify. Luther and other scholars prepared the Articles of Schwabach, a Lutheran confession of faith. In other words, the articles stated what Lutherans believed. These beliefs differed not only from Catholic beliefs but also from the beliefs of other reformers.
Entire Bible in German (1534)
The Old Testament is the first component of the Christian Bible and contains the books of the Jewish canon of Scripture. After translating the New Testament by himself, Luther formed a committee to translate the rest of the Bible. People in some German-speaking countries still use a revised version of this Bible.
Schmalkaldic Articles (1536)
Pope Paul III called for a council to decide how to deal with the movement to reform the church. Before this council took place, the local ruler of Saxony, John Frederick I, asked Luther to write a document explaining which issues reformers could negotiate with Roman Catholics and which could not be a place for compromise. In response, Luther wrote the Schmalkaldic Articles, which became one of the bases for the Lutheran faith.
Martin Luther summary
Martin Luther’s life and legacy
Martin Luther Timeline
Martin Luther | Timeline
Christianity Summary
Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God) in the 1st century ce. It has become the largest of the world’s religions and, geographically, the most widely diffused of all faiths. It has a constituency of
Lutheranism Summary
Lutheranism, branch of Christianity that traces its interpretation of the Christian religion to the teachings of Martin Luther and the 16th-century movements that issued from his reforms. Along with Anglicanism, the Reformed and Presbyterian (Calvinist) churches, Methodism, and the Baptist