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Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (reproduction no. LC-USZ62-96358)Both houses of the U.S. Congress formally express support for the Cuban people in their struggle for independence from Spain. This expression of congressional opinion is ignored by President Grover Cleveland, who opposes intervention, However, his successor, William McKinley, makes it plain that the United States will not stand aside and see the bloody struggle in Cuba drag on indefinitely. Riots in Havana in December lead to the sending of the U.S. battleship Maine to that city’s port as a precaution for the safety of U.S. citizens and property.
February 15, 1898
Wreck of the battleship USS MaineExplore the ruins of the battleship USS Maine in Havana harbor, Cuba.
Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, Washington, D.C.An explosion causes the destruction of the USS Maine in Havana’s harbor and the deaths of its 260 crew members. The cause of the explosion is never determined. However, many Americans believe the Spanish mined the harbor. “Remember the Maine” becomes a popular anti-Spanish slogan in the United States.
March 27, 1898
In communications with Spain, President McKinley insists that Spain give up Cuba. Spain refuses to concede Cuban independence, however.
April 24, 1898
Spain declares war on the United States.
April 25, 1898
The United States declares war on Spain, making the declaration retroactive to April 21. The U.S. Navy prepares to fight with Spain in Cuba and in the Philippines.
Brown BrothersCommodore George Dewey leads a U.S. attack on Spain’s Pacific fleet off the coast of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The Battle of Manila Bay is a decisive victory for the United States.
July 1–3, 1898
Spanish-American WarThe USS New York bombarding Spanish shore positions in Cuba, July 1, 1898.
Detroit Publishing Company Photograph Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.In the Battle of Santiago in Cuba, U.S. forces complete their assault on San Juan Ridge by capturing its highest point, San Juan Hill. In an effort to escape capture, Admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete leads the Spanish squadron out of Santiago harbor. All the Spanish ships come under heavy fire from the U.S. fleet and are destroyed.
July 17, 1898
Spain surrenders to the United States at Santiago.
August 1898
About 11,000 U.S. troops occupy Manila.
October 1898
During peace talks President McKinley insists that Spain must give up the Philippines as well as Cuba.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; W.D. Harper (digital file number LC-DIG-pga-01948)Spain and the United States agree to the Treaty of Paris. Spain renounces its claim to Cuba. Spain also cedes Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States. Finally, it gives the United States sovereignty over the Philippines in exchange for $20 million.