marquess , or marquis, European title of nobility, ranking in modern times immediately below a duke and above a count or earl. The wife of a marquess is a marchioness or marquise. The term originally denoted a count holding a march, or mark (frontier district).
marquess Article
marquess summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see marquess.
Pietro Badoglio Summary
Pietro Badoglio was a general and statesman during the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini (1922–43). In September 1943 he extricated Italy from World War II by arranging an armistice with the Allies. Badoglio entered the Italian army in 1890 as an artillery officer and fought in the Ethiopian
Itō Hirobumi Summary
Itō Hirobumi was a Japanese elder statesman (genro) and premier (1885–88, 1892–96, 1898, 1900–01), who played a crucial role in building modern Japan. He helped draft the Meiji constitution (1889) and brought about the establishment of a bicameral national Diet (1890). He was created a marquess in