terra-cotta, (Italian: “baked earth”) Fairly coarse, porous clay that, when fired, assumes a colour ranging from dull ochre to red. Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind, because of their cheapness, versatility, and durability. Small terra-cotta figures from 3000 bc have been found in Greece and others throughout the Roman Empire from the 4th century bc. The use of terra-cotta virtually died out when the Roman Empire collapsed, but it was revived in Italy and Germany in the 15th century.
terra-cotta summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see terra-cotta.
Andrea del Verrocchio Summary
Andrea del Verrocchio was a 15th-century Florentine sculptor and painter and the teacher of Leonardo da Vinci. His equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni, erected in Venice in 1496, is particularly important. Little accurate biographical information is known about Verrocchio. He was the son of