Experimental Breeder Reactor I
nuclear reactor
Learn about this topic in these articles:
breeder reactors
- In breeder reactor
…first experimental breeder reactor, designated EBR-1, was developed in 1951 by U.S. scientists at the National Reactor Testing Station (now called Idaho National Engineering Laboratory), near Idaho Falls, Idaho. France, Great Britain, Japan, and the Soviet Union subsequently built experimental breeders. Although interest in breeder reactors waned after the 1960s…
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history of nuclear power
- In nuclear reactor: From production reactors to commercial power reactors
…was the Experimental Breeder Reactor, EBR-I, which was designed at Argonne National Laboratory and constructed at what is now the Idaho National Laboratory near Idaho Falls, Idaho. EBR-I was an early experiment to demonstrate breeding, and in 1951 it produced the first electricity from nuclear heat. A much larger experimental…
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