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- PBS - American Experience - Technology Timeline (1752-1990) (Feb. 12, 2025)
Civilization flourished continuously in China from about 2000 bce, when the first of the historical dynasties emerged. From the beginning it was a civilization that valued technological skill in the form of hydraulic engineering, for its survival depended on controlling the enriching but destructive floods of the Huang He (Yellow River). Other technologies appeared at a remarkably early date, including the casting of iron, the production of porcelain, and the manufacture of brass and paper. As one dynasty followed another, Chinese civilization came under the domination of a bureaucratic elite, the mandarins, who gave continuity and stability to Chinese life but who also became a conservative influence on innovation, resisting the introduction of new techniques unless they provided a clear benefit to the bureaucracy. Such an innovation was the development of the water-powered mechanical clock, which achieved an ingenious and elaborate form in the machine built under the supervision of Su Song in 1088. This was driven by a waterwheel that moved regularly, making one part-revolution as each bucket on its rim was filled in turn.
The links between China and the West remained tenuous until modern times, but the occasional encounter such as that resulting from the journey of Marco Polo in 1271–95 alerted the West to the superiority of Chinese technology and stimulated a vigorous westward transfer of techniques. Western knowledge of silk working, the magnetic compass, papermaking, and porcelain were all derived from China. In the latter case, Europeans admired the fine porcelain imported from China for several centuries before they were able to produce anything of a similar quality. Having achieved a condition of comparative social stability, however, the Chinese mandarinate did little to encourage innovation or trading contacts with the outside world. Under their influence, no social group emerged in China equivalent to the mercantile class that flourished in the West and did much to promote trade and industry. The result was that China dropped behind the West in technological skills until the political revolutions and social upheavals of the 20th century awakened the Chinese to the importance of these skills to economic prosperity and inspired a determination to acquire them.
Despite the acquisition of many techniques from the East, the Western world of 500–1500 was forced to solve most of its problems on its own initiative. In doing so it transformed an agrarian society based upon a subsistence economy into a dynamic society with increased productivity sustaining trade, industry, and town life on a steadily growing scale. This was primarily a technological achievement, and one of considerable magnitude.
Power sources
The outstanding feature of this achievement was a revolution in the sources of power. With no large slave labour force to draw on, Europe experienced a labour shortage that stimulated a search for alternative sources of power and the introduction of laboursaving machinery. The first instrument of this power revolution was the horse. By the invention of the horseshoe, the padded, rigid horse collar, and the stirrup, all of which first appeared in the West in the centuries of the Dark Ages, the horse was transformed from an ancillary beast of burden useful only for light duties into a highly versatile source of energy in peace and war. Once the horse could be harnessed to the heavy plow by means of the horse collar, it became a more efficient draft animal than the ox, and the introduction of the stirrup made the mounted warrior supreme in medieval warfare and initiated complex social changes to sustain the great expense of the knight, his armour, and his steed, in a society close to the subsistence line.
Even more significant was the success of medieval technology in harnessing water and wind power. The Romans had pioneered the use of waterpower in the later empire, and some of their techniques probably survived. The type of water mill that flourished first in northern Europe, however, appears to have been the Norse mill, using a horizontally mounted waterwheel driving a pair of grindstones directly, without the intervention of gearing. Examples of this simple type of mill survive in Scandinavia and in the Shetlands; it also occurred in southern Europe, where it was known as the Greek mill. It is possible that a proportion of the 5,624 mills recorded in the Domesday Book of England in 1086 were of this type, although it is probable that by that date the vertically mounted undershot wheel had established itself as more appropriate to the gentle landscape of England; the Norse mill requires a good head of water to turn the wheel at an adequate grinding speed without gearing for the upper millstone (the practice of rotating the upper stone above a stationary bed stone became universal at an early date). Most of the Domesday water mills were used for grinding grain, but in the following centuries other important uses were devised in fulling cloth (shrinking and felting woolen fabrics), sawing wood, and crushing vegetable seeds for oil. Overshot wheels also were introduced where there was sufficient head of water, and the competence of the medieval millwrights in building mills and earthworks and in constructing increasingly elaborate trains of gearing grew correspondingly.
The sail had been used to harness wind power from the dawn of civilization, but the windmill was unknown in the West until the end of the 12th century. Present evidence suggests that the windmill developed spontaneously in the West; though there are precedents in Persia and China, the question remains open. What is certain is that the windmill became widely used in Europe in the Middle Ages. Wind power is generally less reliable than waterpower, but where the latter is deficient wind power is an attractive substitute. Such conditions are found in areas that suffer from drought or from a shortage of surface water and also in low-lying areas where rivers offer little energy. Windmills have thus flourished in places such as Spain or the downlands of England on the one hand, and in the fenlands and polders of the Netherlands on the other hand. The first type of windmill to be widely adopted was the post-mill, in which the whole body of the mill pivots on a post and can be turned to face the sails into the wind. By the 15th century, however, many were adopting the tower-mill type of construction, in which the body of the mill remains stationary with only the cap moving to turn the sails into the wind. As with the water mill, the development of the windmill brought not only greater mechanical power but also greater knowledge of mechanical contrivances, which was applied in making clocks and other devices.
Agriculture and crafts
With new sources of power at its disposal, medieval Europe was able greatly to increase productivity. This is abundantly apparent in agriculture, where the replacement of the ox by the faster gaited horse and the introduction of new crops brought about a distinct improvement in the quantity and variety of food, with a consequent improvement in the diet and energy of the population. It was also apparent in the developing industries of the period, especially the woolen cloth industry in which the spinning wheel was introduced, partially mechanizing this important process, and the practice of using waterpower to drive fulling stocks (wooden hammers raised by cams on a driving shaft) had a profound effect on the location of the industry in England in the later centuries of the Middle Ages. The same principle was adapted to the paper industry late in the Middle Ages, the rags from which paper was derived being pulverized by hammers similar to fulling stocks.
Meanwhile, the traditional crafts flourished within the expanding towns, where there was a growing market for the products of the rope makers, barrel makers (coopers), leatherworkers (curriers), and metalworkers (goldsmiths and silversmiths), to mention only a few of the more important crafts. New crafts such as that of the soapmakers developed in the towns. The technique of making soap appears to have been a Teutonic innovation of the Dark Ages, being unknown in the ancient civilizations. The process consists of decomposing animal or vegetable fats by boiling them with a strong alkali. Long before it became popular for personal cleansing, soap was a valuable industrial commodity for scouring textile fabrics. Its manufacture was one of the first industrial processes to make extensive use of coal as a fuel, and the development of the coal industry in northern Europe constitutes another important medieval innovation, no previous civilization having made any systematic attempt to exploit coal. The mining techniques remained unsophisticated as long as coal was obtainable near the surface, but as the search for the mineral led to greater and greater depths the industry copied methods that had already evolved in the metal-mining industries of north and central Europe. The extent of this evolution was brilliantly summarized by Georgius Agricola in his De re metallica, published in 1556. This large, abundantly illustrated book shows techniques of shafting, pumping (by treadmill, animal power, and waterpower), and of conveying the ore won from the mines in trucks, which anticipated the development of the railways. It is impossible to date precisely the emergence of these important techniques, but the fact that they were well established when Agricola observed them suggests that they had a long ancestry.
Relatively few structures survive from the Dark Ages, but the later centuries of the medieval period were a great age of building. The Romanesque and Gothic architecture that produced the outstanding aesthetic contribution of the Middle Ages embodied significant technological innovations. The architect-engineers, who had clearly studied Classical building techniques, showed a readiness to depart from their models and thus to devise a style that was distinctively their own. Their solutions to the problems of constructing very tall masonry buildings while preserving as much natural light as possible were the cross-rib vault, the flying buttress, and the great window panels providing scope for the new craft of the glazier using coloured glass with startling effect.