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- Deg Xinag
- In Deg Xinag
…large semisubterranean lodge called a kashim. The kashim served many functions, mostly for men, providing a venue for sweat baths, council meetings, entertainment, funerals, and shamanic rituals. Women’s activities tended to take place in family dwellings and in the open air. Deg Xinag people were much given to games and…
Read More - In American Subarctic peoples: Territorial organization
…village life centred on the kashim, or men’s house, where a council of male elders met to hear disputes and where elaborate seasonal ceremonies were performed.
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- Yupiit
- In Arctic: Seasonally migratory peoples: the northern Yupiit and the Inuit
…large semisubterranean house, called a kashim by the Russians, was used for public and ceremonial occasions and as a men’s residence. The kashim was the place where men built their boats, repaired their equipment, took sweat baths, educated young boys, and hosted community dances. Women had their own homes in…
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