The objective collects a fan of rays from each object point and images the ray bundle at the front focal plane of the eyepiece. The conventional rules of ray tracing apply to the image formation. In the absence of aberration, geometric rays form a point image of each object point. In the presence of aberrations, each object point is represented by an indistinct point. The eyepiece is designed to image the rays to a focal point at a convenient distance for viewing the image. In this system, the brightness of the image is determined by the sizes of the apertures of the lenses and by the aperture of the pupil of the eye. The focal length and resulting magnification of the objective should be chosen to attain the desired resolution of the object at a size convenient for viewing through the eyepiece. Image formation in the microscope is complicated by diffraction and interference that take place in the imaging system and by the requirement to use a light source that is imaged in the focal plane.
The modern theory of image formation in the microscope was founded in 1873 by the German physicist Ernst Abbe. The starting point for the Abbe theory is that objects in the focal plane of the microscope are illuminated by convergent light from a condenser. The convergent light from the source can be considered as a collection of many plane waves propagating in a specified set of directions and superimposed to form the incident illumination. Each of these effective plane waves is diffracted by the details in the object plane: the smaller the detailed structure of the object, the wider the angle of diffraction.
The structure of the object can be represented as a sum of sinusoidal components. The rapidity of variation in space of the components is defined by the period of each component, or the distance between adjacent peaks in the sinusoidal function. The spatial frequency is the reciprocal of the period. The finer the details, the higher the required spatial frequency of the components that represent the object detail. Each spatial frequency component produces diffraction at a specific angle dependent upon the wavelength of light. As an example, spatial frequency components having a period of 1 μm would have a spatial frequency of 1,000 lines per millimetre. The angle of diffraction for such a component for visible light with a wavelength of 550 nanometres (nm; 1 nanometre is 10−9 metre) will be 33.6°. The microscope objective collects these diffracted waves and directs them to an image plane, where interference between the diffracted waves produces an image of the object.
Because the aperture of the objective is limited, not all the diffracted waves from the object can be transmitted by the objective. Abbe showed that the greater the number of diffracted waves reaching the objective, the finer the detail that can be reconstructed in the image. He designated the term numerical aperture (N.A.) as the measure of the objective’s ability to collect diffracted light and thus also of its power to resolve detail. On this basis it is obvious that the greater the magnification of the objective, the greater the required N.A. of the objective. The largest N.A. theoretically possible in air is 1.0, but optical design constraints limit the N.A. that can be achieved to around 0.95 for dry objectives.
For the example above of a specimen with a spatial frequency of 1,000 lines per millimetre, the required N.A. to collect the diffracted light would be 0.55. Thus, an objective of 0.55 N.A. or greater must be used to observe and collect useful data from an object with details spaced 1 μm apart. If the objective has a lower N.A., the details of the object will not be resolved. Attempts to enlarge the image detail by use of a high-power eyepiece will yield no increase in resolution. This latter condition is called empty magnification.
The wavelength of light is shortened when it propagates through a dense medium. In order to resolve the smallest possible details, immersion objectives are able to collect light diffracted by finer details than can objectives in air. The N.A. is multiplied by the index of refraction of the medium, and working N.A.’s of 1.4 are possible. In the best optical microscopes, structures with spatial frequency as small as 0.4 μm can be observed. Note that the single lenses made by Leeuwenhoek have been shown to be capable of resolving fibrils only 0.7 μm in thickness.
Specialized optical microscopes
The basic form of the optical microscope is modified by designers for expediency, and a range of special adaptations is available for specific purposes. Some have been designed for ergonomics and others for ease of access to components, while some have been aimed at a specific age group and others at a clearly defined purpose. The largest optical microscope put into production, the Burch reflector made in 1947, weighed 200 kg (440 pounds), while the smallest microscope—a single-lens instrument made by British optician Horace Dall in 1950—weighed no more than 24 grams (0.8 ounce). Even smaller were the diminutive instruments made by Leeuwenhoek, which typically weighed less than 15 grams (0.5 ounce). The most successful commercially available small microscope was designed by British doctor John McArthur in 1958, and McArthur microscopes have been produced by several manufacturers since. Some specialized microscopes intended for handheld use (e.g., the Microwatcher made in 1989) incorporate the illuminator and lens systems into a single unit. More recently, small digital microscopes have been introduced.
Inverted microscopes
For some special purposes, notably the examination of cell cultures, it is more practical if the microscope is mounted upside down. In this form of microscope, the inverted microscope, the light source and condenser are situated uppermost and direct light down through the stage. The objective is set with its front element uppermost, and the eyepieces are angled upward so that the observer can study specimens that are still in their watery medium. Inverted microscopes are important in biology and medical research.