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- Thompson Rivers University - Environmental Geology - Mining and Ore Processing (Feb. 20, 2025)
Placers are unconsolidated deposits of detrital material containing valuable minerals. The natural processes by which they form range from chemical weathering to stream, marine, and wind action. Typical minerals recovered in placers are gold, tin, platinum, diamonds, titaniferous and ferrous iron sands, gemstones (rubies, emeralds, and sapphires), and abrasives (rutile, zircon, garnet, and monazite). These are minerals of high specific gravity and physical toughness.
Although there are several different types of placer deposits, the two most economically important are stream and beach placers. Stream (or alluvial) placers are formed by running water, while beach placers are formed by the action of shore waves on preexisting or currently forming stream placers. Because of the shifting of sea and land throughout geologic time, placers can be found at any elevation above or below sea level. The particular techniques chosen to mine them depend on a number of physical conditions: the extent, thickness, and character of the deposit and bedrock; the orientation of the deposit; the thickness of the overburden; the source and quantity of water available; and the value per unit volume of material. For placers that are too thin or too deeply buried to be mined by surface techniques, an underground system based on shaft sinking and drift driving may be considered. In this case, because of the unconsolidated nature of the material, heavy support is often required. Nevertheless, most placers are excavated by surface techniques; broadly speaking, these may be classified by whether the operations are based on land or on a floating plant.
Land-based operations
Of the land-based techniques, panning is the simplest and most labour-intensive. Usually, a pan is filled with placer dirt, and then it is submerged in still water. While underwater the contents of the pan are kneaded with both hands until all the clay has dissolved and the lumps of dirt are thoroughly broken. Stones and pebbles are also picked out. Then the pan is held flat and shaken under water to permit the valuable mineral to settle to the bottom, and, in a series of quick motions, the pan is tilted and raised repeatedly until the lighter top material is washed off and only the valuable heavy mineral is left. Good prospects for panning include unworked ground in or around old workings, crevices in the bedrock of river channels, old river bars, and dry creek beds.
Another hand method involves the use of a sluice box. This is a sturdy rectangular box, nearly always built of lumber, with an open top and a bottom roughened by a set of riffles. The most common riffles are transversely mounted wooden bars, but they may also be made of wooden poles, stone, iron, or rubber. Water and placer dirt are introduced at the upper end of the inclined sluice box, and, as they flow downward, the specially shaped riffles agitate the current, preventing lighter material from settling while retaining the valuable heavy mineral.
Mechanized methods
Mechanized land-based placer operations excavate placer material with draglines, shovels, backhoes, front-end loaders, and dozers. The material is then delivered to concentrating plants or sluice boxes for mineral recovery. Such methods are suitable to narrow, shallow, or bouldery deposits and to irregular and steep topography that is not easily mined by other techniques.
Ground sluicing is a special technique for the mining of natural placers as well as artificial ones (tailings piles, for example). A natural flow of water is used to disintegrate and then transport the material through a sluice, where the valuable mineral is concentrated. In a method known as hydraulicking, in-place material is excavated by moving a stream of high-pressure water through a nozzle over the mining face. The resulting slurry then moves into a downgrade channel and into a contained circuit for concentrating. Although hydraulic mining is sometimes used to mine coal underground, its primary application is on the surface, where it is a practical way to mine relatively fine-grained, unconsolidated material from placers, tailings, alluvium, and lateritic deposits. A major application is in stripping overburden for the development of open-pit mines.
Floating-plant operations
Dragline or backhoe
In certain cases placer material is most economically excavated with a shore-mounted dragline or backhoe and a floating (barge-mounted) concentrating plant. (The digging equipment may also be mounted on a separate barge or on the same barge as the plant.) Material is dug from the sides and bottom of the mining pond and deposited into the washing plant’s hopper. Oversized material is rejected by screening and placed in waste piles, while the undersized material is distributed to a gravity-separation system consisting of riffled sluices, jigs, or similar equipment. After treatment, as much waste as possible is returned to the pond, but, because of swell, some waste may be deposited outside the pond area. The pond moves along with the mining front.
The backhoe technique has the advantages of powerful digging and good control.