A ship hull, of whatever materials it may be made, must be strong enough to withstand all the loads that may be imposed upon it by normal service and by any seaway that may be expected during its life. It must, in fact, have a reserve of strength to take care of excessive loads carelessly or negligently applied or of loads caused by unusually high, large, or steep waves. The latter are encountered only on rare occasions, but they do occur.
The structural configuration, involving the disposition of material as well as the elasticity of that material, must be such that the structure does not bend or flex unduly under the specified loads. It is customary to make a ship hull much stiffer than, say, the wings of a large airplane, just as the fuselage of that plane is stiffer than its wings. But severe limits on hull flexibility have been relaxed somewhat in recent years.
The material must be so disposed and proportioned that the hull has the minimum weight—or can be built for the minimum cost—to perform all its functions acceptably. A knowledge of how the various parts are strained, of how the applied loads are distributed among the various members, and of how all of them work together is essential in order to place and proportion them in the most effective manner.
Strength and stiffness
A ship structure is sufficiently strong if it can support all the fixed loads of its machinery, fittings and equipment, and all the cargo loads, and if it can withstand without permanent change of shape, cracking, and fracture all the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads which can be imposed upon it in calm water or in any kind of seaway in which it is supposed to operate. It is sufficiently stiff if, under any of these service loads, it does not flex or deform unduly so as to interfere with the alignment of operation of machinery or with any other function, major or minor.
A bronze screw propeller of a high-powered ship, having blades that are too thin, may deform so much when generating full thrust that its shape and propulsive characteristics are changed. If the blades are permanently bent under emergency maneuvering conditions, the propeller is not strong enough.
Vibratory motion can build up to unacceptable peaks if local portions of the structure are in resonance with the periodic applied forces. In consequence, rudder plating and shell plating at the stern must be stiffened to control panting or pulsating deflections from propeller forces. The shell at the bow is also subject to panting from wave-impact loadings; this requires extra stiffeners, called panting stringers.
It is customary in ship structures and ship components to limit the calculated stresses under the heaviest contemplated service loading to a certain fraction of the limiting stress for the material being used at which permanent change of shape or damage will occur. The margin thus provided takes care of unusual and emergency conditions which rarely can be foreseen at the time of design. For a submarine pressure hull the collapsing depth is calculated—or determined by model tests—as part of the original design. It is considerably greater than the working depth, at which the calculated stresses are limited to values which can be endured indefinitely.
Structural configurations
The arrangement and disposition of the structural material in a hull and the proportions of the structure, all known as the configuration, are most important features. Structural material in the form of a closed box, like a ship hull with a deck, resists vertical and lateral bending and twisting all at the same time.
Every boat or ship hull, both above and below the water, embodies a watertight boundary or shell which provides the buoyant volume to float it. Taken with a deck to which it is firmly attached, the whole forms a hollow box, a most economical and efficient principal structural member of the hull. Since some part of this box is in compression for bending loads, and much of it is in shear for twisting loads, the relatively thin shell—bottom, sides, and deck—must be prevented from buckling, crumpling, and wrinkling when it is strained. This is done by stiffening it at intervals with frames and stringers of some convenient type.
Thus, a modern welded steel ship is made up of flat or curved areas of plating stiffened by members known as beams, frames, or stiffeners and supported by other intersecting plating panels. Plating and stiffeners work together to resist normal loads, such as water pressure or cargo on a deck panel, or loads in the plane of the plating, e.g., in the upper deck acting as the upper flange of the hull.
When the stiffening system of the deck and shell plating lies predominantly parallel to the principal ship axis the ship is said to be longitudinally framed. When the majority of stiffeners lie at right angles to that axis, it is transversely framed. Whatever the system of deck and shell stiffeners, they must be supplemented by deep web or belt frames in the first case, placed transversely, or by longitudinal stringers in the second case, run fore and aft. These hold the primary stiffened system in shape and help to distribute concentrated loads resulting from non-uniform placing of cargo, wave action on the outside, and external blows from striking piers and quay walls and rubbing against fenders and the sides of other ships. Longitudinal framing saves hull weight because the metal in the fore-and-aft stiffeners supplements the metal in the shell and the uppermost decks in resisting tensile loads due to hull bending moments, and in resisting buckling caused by compressive loads.
Scantlings and strength calculations
When a structural configuration has been sketched, conforming satisfactorily to the ship arrangement, the designer selects the scantlings, defined as the size, shape, area, and unit weight of the individual structural members. This is done first for the midship section, where the vertical bending moment is usually the greatest. The preliminary scantlings are chosen from experience, from a ship generally similar, from classification society rules, or by an analytic process.
The parts of a ship structure that make up the hull girder resisting the longitudinal bending moments must at the same time carry the more localized loadings, such as concentrated machinery loads and large external water forces. Often the latter govern the design of the part. The transverse bulkheads and the transverse web frames are designed on the basis of local loads. Watertight bulkheads are required to resist maximum water pressure when the compartment on one side is flooded. They also serve as strong structural, diaphragms in the hollow box girder hull.
Gun and launcher foundations present special problems. They are designed by assuming various directions of impulse or recoil to find the critical direction for each important member of the foundation.
Structural design of submarine pressure hulls
The depths to which combat submarines are required to submerge call for correct proportioning of the structural elements and accurate selection of thicknesses for the various parts. The uniform pressure around the entire inner hull at working depth enables the designer to calculate the exact hydrodynamic loads, but the fact that the entire structure is loaded in compression and that the shell may be expected to fail by buckling more than makes up for the simplicity of loading. The problem has been accentuated by the increased depths to which modern nuclear-powered ships have been designed to operate.
The lightest pressure-resisting hull form is a cylinder of circular section, stiffened by ring-shaped frames with a longitudinal spacing of from one-fifth to one-tenth or less of the diameter, depending upon the specified working depth and external pressure. Whether riveted or welded, the plates forming the circular sections are butted together at their fore-and-aft joints so as to transmit the compression loads directly from one plate to the other. Theoretical formulas and computer simulations, supplemented and confirmed by the tests of many hundreds of scale models of steel, enable the designer to determine the plating thickness, the frame spacing, the form and size of the frames, and the best method of attaching the frames to the cylindrical shell.
Where the circular pressure hull changes diameter, conical transition sections are provided. High stresses occur at the cone-cylinder intersections, and therefore special attention must be given to these joints. The end closure bulkheads are often of spherical or ellipsoidal dished-plate construction.
Detrimental effects of discontinuities
The various parts of a ship hull made of elastic material are found to stretch, shorten, twist, and flex as the external loads cause the whole hull to change shape. If the adjacent parts cannot deform locally by about the same amount, the heavier and stiffer members pull or push on the lighter ones.
The result may be excessive local strains; out of all proportion to the strains which would be caused normally by the principal external load. After reaching the fatigue limit the local metal may crack, buckle, or break. Good structural design calls for the tapering or narrowing of members to correspond to the strength and rigidity required, and for great care in making transitions from heavy members to lighter ones along a given line of application of a load.