Marine charts
The portolano
During the course of 15 centuries or more, the coastal pilot book of Classical times evolved into the portolano, or portolan chart, the harbour-finding manual of the Middle Ages. An early portolano for the whole Mediterranean Sea, Lo compasso da navigare (1296), gives directions in terms of half points—that is, halves of the angles defined by the 32-point compass. From such works, accumulated over generations and collected during the 13th century into a single volume for the entire Mediterranean, the first marine charts were drawn. On these charts, most of which were compiled in Genoa, Venice, and Majorca, north was at the top, rather than east, as was the practice on most land maps of the time. They carried a scale of distances and a colour-coded pattern of rhumb lines, or loxodromes (with lines of the same colour crossing the Earth’s meridians at a constant angle, so that following each rhumb line maintains a constant bearing). To set a course between two ports, the pilot would join the corresponding points on the chart with a straight line, find the rhumb line most nearly parallel to it, and trace the rhumb line back to its parent wind rose, from which he obtained the required heading. As long as the ship’s location was to be found by dead reckoning (keeping a running record of the distances and directions traveled), the Mediterranean chart was entirely adequate. Questions of latitude, longitude, compass variation, and curvature of the Earth’s surface could be safely ignored.
The Mercator chart
When the Portuguese, under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, ventured farther south along the west coast of Africa, they encountered navigational difficulties by assuming that the charts used in the Mediterranean could simply be extended. Over long distances the rhumb lines could not be taken as straight, and the charts bore no relation to the new methods of checking the dead reckoning that Portuguese astronomers and mathematicians had devised. These methods required a chart on which positions were expressed as latitudes and longitudes rather than bearings and distances. Such a chart had to embody a practical method of representing the curved meridians and parallels on a flat surface. Even for an area as large as the Mediterranean, this can be done without grossly falsifying either distances or directions, but for larger regions some distortions are inevitable, and a choice has to be made between alternative mapping techniques. On certain types of charts, distances can be shown accurately, but directions cannot; on other types, directions are reliably presented, but the scale of distance varies greatly between different parts of the chart. The navigator accepts the second type because the risk of lengthening the voyage is preferable to that of missing the target.
In 1569 the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator published a world map that he had composed using a “projection suitable for navigation,” the details of which he did not disclose. (The Mercator and other projections are treated in the article map.) On a Mercator chart the meridians of longitude are represented by equally spaced vertical lines, and the parallels of latitude are represented by horizontal lines that are closer together near the Equator than near the poles. The uneven spacing of the parallels compensates for the increasing exaggeration of the east-west distance between adjacent meridians at higher latitudes; this distance decreases on the Earth but remains the same on the chart. In 1599 the English mathematician Edward Wright supplied a rational explanation of Mercator’s projection and provided tables by which the distorted distances could be corrected.
Latitude measurements
Portuguese seamen determined latitude by observing the elevation angle of the polestar—that is, the angle between its direction and the horizontal. They knew from astronomical studies that the star does not lie exactly on the extension of the Earth’s axis, so that it appears to move daily in a small circle around the celestial pole, but the necessary correction (as much as 31/2° in the 15th century) could be applied by noting the position of the nearby star Kochab. When the navigators got close to the Equator, these stars fell below the horizon; there it became necessary to rely on observing the altitude of the noonday Sun and calculating latitude with the aid of an almanac.
The first instruments used at sea for elevation angle measurements seem to have been the quadrant and the astrolabe, long known to astronomers. For both devices the reference direction was actually the vertical, rather than the horizontal, but conversion of the readings was an elementary matter. The mariner’s astrolabe, however, was less widely used than its 16th-century successor, the cross-staff, a simple device consisting of a staff about 3 feet (1 metre) long fitted with a sliding crosspiece (see ). The navigator, holding the staff to one eye, would move the crosspiece until its lower end coincided with the horizon and its upper end with the polestar (see ). The desired elevation could then be read from the intersection of the crosspiece with the staff, on which a scale was marked in degrees. The cross-staff remained in use until the 18th century despite several drawbacks, the most serious being that it required the observer to look directly into the Sun. Coloured shades were fitted to the crosspiece, but the decisive improvement was made in 1594 by the English navigator John Davis. His instrument, called the backstaff because it was used with the observer’s back to the Sun, remained common even after 1731 when the octant (an early form of the modern sextant) was demonstrated independently by John Hadley of England (see ) and Thomas Godfrey of Philadelphia. In the octant and the sextant, two mirrors—one fixed, the other movable—bring the image of the Sun into coincidence with the horizon. In the hands of the practiced observer, the modern sextant can be used to measure elevation angles with an accuracy of 10 seconds of arc—that is, close enough to determine a ship’s north-south position within a few hundred metres.