- Related Topics:
- radar astronomy
- radar cross section
- ambiguity function
- manual tracking
- SCR-270
The most common type of radar signal consists of a repetitive train of short-duration pulses. The detection. The sine wave in the figure represents the variation with time of the output voltage of the transmitter. The numbers given in parentheses in the figure are meant only to be illustrative and are not necessarily those of any particular radar. They are, however, similar to what might be expected for a ground-based radar system with a range of about 50 to 60 nautical miles (90 to 110 km), such as the kind used for air traffic control at airports. The pulse width is given in the figure as 1 microsecond (10−6 second). It should be noted that the pulse is shown as containing only a few cycles of the sine wave; however, in a radar system having the values indicated, there would be 1,000 cycles within the pulse. In the figure the time between successive pulses is given as 1 millisecond (10−3 second), which corresponds to a pulse repetition frequency of 1 kilohertz (kHz). The power of the pulse, called the peak power, is taken here to be 1 megawatt. Since a pulse radar does not radiate continually, the average power is much less than the peak power. In this example, the average power is 1 kilowatt. The average power, rather than the peak power, is the measure of the capability of a radar system. Radars have average powers from a few milliwatts to as much as one or more megawatts, depending on the application.
shows a simple representation of a sine-wave pulse that might be generated by the transmitter of a medium-range radar designed for aircraftA weak echo signal from a target might be as low as 1 picowatt (10−12 watt). In short, the power levels in a radar system can be very large (at the transmitter) and very small (at the receiver).
Another example of the extremes encountered in a radar system is the timing. An air-surveillance radar (one that is used to search for aircraft) might scan its antenna 360 degrees in azimuth in a few seconds, but the pulse width might be about one microsecond in duration. Some radar pulse widths are even of nanosecond (10−9 second) duration.
Radar waves travel through the atmosphere at roughly 300,000 km per second (the speed of light). The range to a target is determined by measuring the time that a radar signal takes to travel out to the target and back. The range to the target is equal to cT/2, where c = velocity of propagation of radar energy, and T = round-trip time as measured by the radar. From this expression, the round-trip travel of the radar signal through air is at a rate of 150,000 km per second. For example, if the time that it takes the signal to travel out to the target and back was measured by the radar to be 0.0006 second (600 microseconds), then the range of the target would be 90 km. The ability to measure the range to a target accurately at long distances and under adverse weather conditions is radar’s most distinctive attribute. There are no other devices that can compete with radar in the measurement of range.
The range accuracy of a simple pulse radar depends on the width of the pulse: the shorter the pulse, the better the accuracy. Short pulses, however, require wide bandwidths in the receiver and transmitter (since bandwidth is equal to the reciprocal of the pulse width). A radar with a pulse width of one microsecond can measure the range to an accuracy of a few tens of metres or better. Some special radars can measure to an accuracy of a few centimetres. The ultimate range accuracy of the best radars is limited by the known accuracy of the velocity at which electromagnetic waves travel.
Directive antennas and target direction
Almost all radars use a directive antenna—i.e., one that directs its energy in a narrow beam. (The beamwidth of an antenna of fixed size is inversely proportional to the radar frequency.) The direction of a target can be found from the direction in which the antenna is pointing when the received echo is at a maximum. A precise means for determining the direction of a target is the monopulse method—in which information about the angle of a target is obtained by comparing the amplitudes of signals received from two or more simultaneous receiving beams, each slightly offset (squinted) from the antenna’s central axis. A dedicated tracking radar—one that follows automatically a single target so as to determine its trajectory—generally has a narrow, symmetrical “pencil” beam. (A typical beamwidth might be about 1 degree.) Such a radar system can determine the location of the target in both azimuth angle and elevation angle. An aircraft-surveillance radar generally employs an antenna that radiates a “fan” beam, one that is narrow in azimuth (about 1 or 2 degrees) and broad in elevation (elevation beamwidths of from 20 to 40 degrees or more). A fan beam allows only the measurement of the azimuth angle.
Doppler frequency and target velocity
Radar can extract the Doppler frequency shift of the echo produced by a moving target by noting how much the frequency of the received signal differs from the frequency of the signal that was transmitted. (The Doppler effect in radar is similar to the change in audible pitch experienced when a train whistle or the siren of an emergency vehicle moves past the listener.) A moving target will cause the frequency of the echo signal to increase if it is approaching the radar or to decrease if it is receding from the radar. For example, if a radar system operates at a frequency of 3,000 MHz and an aircraft is moving toward it at a speed of 400 knots (740 km per hour), the frequency of the received echo signal will be greater than that of the transmitted signal by about 4.1 kHz. The Doppler frequency shift in hertz is equal to 3.4 f0vr, where f0 is the radar frequency in gigahertz and vr is the radial velocity (the rate of change of range) in knots.
Since the Doppler frequency shift is proportional to radial velocity, a radar system that measures such a shift in frequency can provide the radial velocity of a target. The Doppler frequency shift can also be used to separate moving targets from stationary targets even when the echo signal from undesired clutter is much more powerful than the echo from the desired moving targets. A form of pulse radar that uses the Doppler frequency shift to eliminate stationary clutter is called either a moving-target indication (MTI) radar or a pulse Doppler radar, depending on the particular parameters of the signal waveform.
The above measurements of range, angle, and radial velocity assume that the target is a “point-scatterer.” Actual targets, however, are of finite size and can have distinctive shapes. The range profile of a finite-sized target can be determined if the range resolution of the radar is small compared with the target’s size in the range dimension. (The range resolution of a radar, given in units of distance, is a measure of the ability of a radar to separate two closely spaced echoes.) Some radars can have resolutions much smaller than one metre, which is quite suitable for determining the radial size and profile of many targets of interest.
The resolution in angle, or cross range, that can be obtained with conventional antennas is poor compared with that which can be obtained in range. It is possible, however, to achieve good resolution in angle by resolving in Doppler frequency (i.e., separating one Doppler frequency from another). If the radar is moving relative to the target (as when the radar is on an aircraft and the target is the ground), the Doppler frequency shift will be different for different parts of the target. Thus, the Doppler frequency shift can allow the various parts of the target to be resolved. The resolution in cross range derived from the Doppler frequency shift is far better than that achieved with a narrow-beam antenna. It is not unusual for the cross-range resolution obtained from Doppler frequency to be comparable to that obtained in the range dimension.