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Because a railroad’s factory—its plant and train operations—may be spread out over thousands of miles and hundreds of communities, and because its trains use fixed tracks, unlike automobiles or airplanes, it has operating and service problems in some respects more complex than those of a major manufacturing installation. It is not surprising, therefore, that railroads have been among the pioneers in the use of improved methods of communication and control, from the telegraph to the computer and automation techniques.
Railroads were among the first to adopt the electric telegraph and the telephone, both for dispatching trains and for handling other business messages. Today, the railroads are among the larger operators of electronic communications systems.
Railroads began experimenting with radio at a very early date, but it became practical to use train radio on a large scale only after World War II, when compact and reliable very-high-frequency two-way equipment was developed. In train operations radio permits communication between the front and rear of a long train, between two trains, and between trains and ground traffic controllers. It also is the medium for automatic transmission to ground staff of data generated by the microprocessor-based diagnostic equipment of modern traction and train-sets.
In terminals two-way radio greatly speeds yard-switching work. Through its use, widely separated elements of mechanized track-maintenance gangs can maintain contact with each other and with oncoming trains. Supervisory personnel often use radio in automobiles to maintain contact with the operations under their control.
As the demand for more railroad communication lines has grown, the traditional lineside telegraph wire system has been superseded. As early as 1959, the Pacific Great Eastern Railway in western Canada began to use microwave radio for all communications, doing away almost entirely with line wires. Other railroads all over the world turned to microwave in the 1970s and ’80s. More recently many railroads have adopted optical-fibre transmission systems. The high-capacity optical-fibre cable, lightweight and immune to electromagnetic interference, can integrate voice, data, and video channels in one system.
A major reason for the growing use of microwave and optical-fibre systems was the tremendously increased demand for circuits that developed from the railroads’ widespread use of electronic computers.
Earlier, railroads had been among the leaders in adopting punched-card and other advanced techniques of data processing. In the 1970s and ’80s there was a strong trend toward “total information” systems built around the computer. In rail freight operation, each field reporting point, usually a freight-yard office or terminal, is equipped with a computer input device. Through this device, full information about every car movement (or other action) taking place at that point can be placed directly into the central computer, usually located at company headquarters. From data received from all the field reporting points on the railroad, the computer can be programmed to produce a variety of outputs. These include train-consist reports (listing cars) for the terminal next ahead of a train, car-location reports for the railroad’s customer-service offices, car-movement information for the car-records department, revenue information for the accounting department, plus traffic-flow data and commodity statistics useful in market research and data on the freightcar needs at each location to aid in distributing empty cars for loading. Tracing of individual car movements can be elaborated by adoption of automatic car identification systems, in which each vehicle is fitted with an individually coded transponder that is read by strategically located electronic scanners at trackside. Major customers can be equipped for direct access to the railroad computer system, so that they can instantly monitor the status of their freight consignments. Relation of real-time inputs to nonvariable data banked in computer memory enables the railroad’s central computer to generate customer invoices automatically. Data banks can be developed to identify the optimal routing and equipment required for specific freight between given terminals, so that price quotations for new business can be swiftly computer-generated.
Computers and microprocessors have found many other uses as a railroad management aid. For example, daily data on each locomotive’s mileage and any special attention it has needed can be fed by its operating depot into a central computer banking historical data on every locomotive operated by the railroad. In the past, many railroads scheduled locomotive overhauls at arbitrarily assessed intervals, but use of a computer base enables overhaul of an individual locomotive to be precisely related to need, so that it is not unnecessarily withdrawn from traffic. The same procedure can be applied to passenger cars. Systems have been developed that optimize economical use of locomotives by integrated analysis of traffic trends, the real-time location of locomotives, and the railroad’s route characteristics to generate the ideal assignment of each locomotive from day to day.
Computerization has given a railroad’s managers a complete, up-to-the-minute picture of almost every phase of its operations. Such complete information and control systems have proved a powerful tool for optimizing railroad operations, controlling costs, and producing better service.