stereoscopic microscope
optical instrument
Also known as: binocular microscope, stereomicroscope
Learn about this topic in these articles:
major reference
- In microscope: Stereoscopic microscopes
Binocular stereomicroscopes are a matched pair of microscopes mounted side by side with a small angle between the optical axes. The object is imaged independently to each eye, and the stereoscopic effect, which permits discrimination of relief on the object, is retained. The…
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use in sculpture conservation
- In art conservation and restoration: Stone sculpture
…with the aid of a binocular microscope for more cautious and delicate cleaning. Small-scale power tools are commonly used when the deposit is extremely hard—for example, dental ultrasonic descalers can be used to remove hard calcite- or silica-based deposits or residues of modern cement and grout. The conservator sometimes employs…
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